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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl part of check-in [70d2283564] - Moved the existing successor/predecessor code from main class to the proper singleton. Fixed config of main class, isn't simple dispatch any longer. Simplified calculation of the readable representation of changesets and removed code which has become superfluous. by aku on 2007-11-29 06:58:08. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl part of check-in [b1666f8ff4] - Implemented time ranges and dependency retrieval for the tag and branch based changesets. by aku on 2007-11-29 07:02:39. [view]

@@ -909,16 +909,62 @@
     typemethod isbranch   {} { return 0 }
     # result = list (mintime, maxtime)
     typemethod timerange {tags} {
+	# The range is defined as the range of the revisions the tags
+	# are attached to.
+	set theset ('[join $tags {','}]')
+	return [state run "
+	    SELECT MIN(R.date), MAX(R.date)
+	    FROM revision R, tag T
+	    WHERE T.tid IN $theset
+            AND   R.rid = T.rev
+	"]
     # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
     typemethod successors {dv tags} {
+	# Tags have no successors.
+	return
     # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
     typemethod predecessors {dv tags} {
+	# The predecessors of a tag are all the revisions the tags are
+	# attached to, as well as all the branches or tags which are
+	# their prefered parents.
+	set theset ('[join $tags {','}]')
+	foreach {tid parent} [state run "
+	    SELECT T.tid, R.rid
+	    FROM   revision R, tag T
+	    WHERE  T.tid IN $theset
+	    AND    T.rev = R.rid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::tag $tid]) [list rev $parent]
+	}
+	foreach {tid parent} [state run "
+	    SELECT T.tid, B.bid
+	    FROM   tag T, branch B, preferedparent P
+	    WHERE  T.tid IN $theset
+	    AND    T.sid = P.sid
+	    AND    P.pid = B.sid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::tag $tid]) [list sym::branch $parent]
+	}
+	foreach {tid parent} [state run "
+	    SELECT T.tid, TX.tid
+	    FROM   tag T, tag TX, preferedparent P
+	    WHERE  T.tid IN $theset
+	    AND    T.sid = P.sid
+	    AND    P.pid = TX.sid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::tag $tid]) [list sym::tag $parent]
+	}
+	return
 # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
@@ -931,16 +977,94 @@
     typemethod isbranch   {} { return 1 }
     # result = list (mintime, maxtime)
     typemethod timerange {branches} {
+	# The range of a branch is defined as the range of the
+	# revisions the branches are spawned by. NOTE however that the
+	# branches associated with a detached NTDB will have no root
+	# spawning them, hence they have no real timerange any
+	# longer. By using 0 we put them in front of everything else,
+	# as they logically are.
+	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
+	return [state run "
+	    SELECT IFNULL(MIN(R.date),0), IFNULL(MAX(R.date),0)
+	    FROM revision R, branch B
+	    WHERE B.bid IN $theset
+            AND   R.rid = B.root
+	"]
     # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
     typemethod successors {dv branches} {
+	# The first revision committed on a branch, and all branches
+	# and tags which have it as their prefered parent are the
+	# successors of a branch.
+	set theset ('[join $branches {','}]')
+	foreach {bid child} [state run "
+	    SELECT B.bid, R.rid
+	    FROM   revision R, branch B
+	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset
+	    AND    B.first = R.rid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::tag $bid]) [list rev $child]
+	}
+	foreach {bid child} [state run "
+	    SELECT B.bid, BX.bid
+	    FROM   branch B, branch BX, preferedparent P
+	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset
+	    AND    B.sid = P.pid
+	    AND    BX.sid = P.sid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::tag $bid]) [list sym::branch $child]
+	}
+	foreach {bid child} [state run "
+	    SELECT B.bid, T.tid
+	    FROM   branch B, tag T, preferedparent P
+	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset
+	    AND    B.sid = P.pid
+	    AND    T.sid = P.sid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::tag $bid]) [list sym::tag $child]
+	}
+	return
     # var(dv) = dict (item -> list (item)), item  = list (type id)
     typemethod predecessors {dv branches} {
+	# The predecessors of a branch are all the revisions the
+	# branches are spawned from, as well as all the branches or
+	# tags which are their prefered parents.
+	set theset ('[join $tags {','}]')
+	foreach {bid parent} [state run "
+	    SELECT B.Bid, R.rid
+	    FROM   revision R, branch B
+	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset
+	    AND    B.root = R.rid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::branch $bid]) [list rev $parent]
+	}
+	foreach {bid parent} [state run "
+	    SELECT B.bid, BX.bid
+	    FROM   branch B, branch BX, preferedparent P
+	    WHERE  B.bid IN $theset
+	    AND    B.sid = P.sid
+	    AND    P.pid = BX.sid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::branch $bid]) [list sym::branch $parent]
+	}
+	foreach {bid parent} [state run "
+	    SELECT B.bid, T.tid
+	    FROM   branch B, tag T, preferedparent P
+	    WHERE  B.tid IN $theset
+	    AND    B.sid = P.sid
+	    AND    P.pid = T.sid
+	"] {
+	    lappend dependencies([list sym::branch $bid]) [list sym::tag $parent]
+	}
+	return
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## Configuration