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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pinitcsets.tcl part of check-in [215d2f1ad9] - Brought knowledge of the new types to the state definition, changed the creation of the initial changesets to use tags and branches. by aku on 2007-11-29 06:21:57. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pinitcsets.tcl part of check-in [27f093d23c] - More realignment of variable names with their content, in pass 5. by aku on 2007-11-29 07:47:50. [view]

@@ -234,62 +234,62 @@
 	# their ids do not overlap with each other.
 	set lastsymbol  {}
 	set lastproject {}
-	set revisions   {}
-	foreach {sid rid pid} [state run {
+	set tags        {}
+	foreach {sid tid pid} [state run {
 	    SELECT S.sid, T.tid, S.pid
 	    FROM  tag T, symbol S     -- T ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
 	    WHERE T.sid = S.sid
 	    ORDER BY S.sid, T.tid
 	}] {
 	    if {$lastsymbol != $sid} {
-		if {[llength $revisions]} {
+		if {[llength $tags]} {
 		    incr n
 		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::tag $lastsymbol $revisions
-		    set revisions {}
+		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::tag $lastsymbol $tags
+		    set tags {}
 		set lastsymbol  $sid
 		set lastproject $pid
-	    lappend revisions $rid
+	    lappend tags $tid
-	if {[llength $revisions]} {
+	if {[llength $tags]} {
 	    incr n
 	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::tag $lastsymbol $revisions
+	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::tag $lastsymbol $tags
 	set lastsymbol {}
 	set lasproject {}
-	set revisions  {}
-	foreach {sid rid pid} [state run {
+	set branches   {}
+	foreach {sid bid pid} [state run {
 	    SELECT S.sid, B.bid, S.pid
 	    FROM  branch B, symbol S  -- B ==> R/S, using PK indices of R, S.
 	    WHERE B.sid  = S.sid
 	    ORDER BY S.sid, B.bid
 	}] {
 	    if {$lastsymbol != $sid} {
-		if {[llength $revisions]} {
+		if {[llength $branches]} {
 		    incr n
 		    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::branch $lastsymbol $revisions
-		    set revisions {}
+		    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::branch $lastsymbol $branches
+		    set branches {}
 		set lastsymbol  $sid
 		set lastproject $pid
-	    lappend revisions $rid
+	    lappend branches $bid
-	if {[llength $revisions]} {
+	if {[llength $branches]} {
 	    incr n
 	    set  p [repository projectof $lastproject]
-	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::branch $lastsymbol $revisions
+	    project::rev %AUTO% $p sym::branch $lastsymbol $branches
 	log write 4 initcsets "Created [nsp $n {symbol changeset}]"