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File src/subscript.c part of check-in [34af72801d] - New default header and footer and CSS. Add the ability to edit the footer. by drh on 2007-11-23 22:09:47. [view]


File src/subscript.c part of check-in [fb358ca492] - Progress toward getting ticketing working. We can enter a new ticket and display it. Cannot yet edit a ticket. by drh on 2007-11-24 19:33:46. [view]

@@ -61,8 +61,10 @@
 typedef struct Subscript Subscript;
 #define SBS_OK      0
 #define SBS_ERROR   1
+#define SBS_RETURN  2
+#define SBS_BREAK   3
 ** Configuration constants
@@ -344,15 +346,23 @@
 ** Set the error message for an interpreter.  Verb implementations
 ** use this routine when they encounter an error.
-void SbS_SetErrorMessage(struct Subscript *p, const char *zErr){
-  int nErr = strlen(zErr);
+void SbS_SetErrorMessage(struct Subscript *p, const char *zErr, ...){
+  int nErr;
+  char *zMsg;
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, zErr);
+  zMsg = vmprintf(zErr, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  nErr = strlen(zMsg);
   if( nErr>sizeof(p->zErrMsg)-1 ){
     nErr = sizeof(p->zErrMsg)-1;
-  memcpy(p->zErrMsg, zErr, nErr);
+  memcpy(p->zErrMsg, zMsg, nErr);
   p->zErrMsg[nErr] = 0;
+  free(zMsg);
 ** Return a pointer to the current error message for the
@@ -529,13 +539,14 @@
 const char *SbS_Fetch(
   struct Subscript *p,   /* The interpreter we are interrogating */
   const char *zKey,        /* Name of the variable.  Case sensitive */
+  int nKey,                /* Length of the key */
   int *pLength             /* Write the length here */
   const SbSValue *pVal;
-  pVal = sbs_fetch(&p->symTab, zKey, -1);
+  pVal = sbs_fetch(&p->symTab, zKey, nKey);
   if( pVal==0 || (pVal->flags & SBSVAL_STR)==0 ){
     *pLength = 0;
     return 0;
@@ -710,8 +721,23 @@
   return 0;
+** Send text to the appropriate output:  Either to the console
+** or to the CGI reply buffer.
+static void sendText(const char *z, int n){
+  if( enableOutput && n ){
+    if( n<0 ) n = strlen(z);
+    if( g.cgiPanic ){
+      cgi_append_content(z, n);
+    }else{
+      fwrite(z, 1, n, stdout);
+    }
+  }
 ** Subscript command:      STRING puts
 ** Subscript command:      STRING html
 ** Output STRING as HTML (html) or unchanged (puts).
@@ -729,18 +755,81 @@
       size = strlen(zOut);
       zOut = (char*)z;
-    if( g.cgiPanic ){
-      cgi_append_content(zOut, size);
-    }else{
-      printf("%.*s", size, zOut);
-    }
+    sendText(zOut, size);
     if( pConvert ){
   SbS_Pop(p, 1);
+  return 0;
+** Subscript command:      STRING wiki
+** Render the input string as wiki.
+static int wikiCmd(struct Subscript *p, void *pConvert){
+  int size;
+  const char *z;
+  if( SbS_RequireStack(p, 1, "wiki") ) return 1;
+  if( enableOutput ){
+    Blob src;
+    z = SbS_StackValue(p, 0, &size);
+    blob_init(&src, z, size);
+    wiki_convert(&src, 0, WIKI_INLINE);
+    blob_reset(&src);
+  }
+  SbS_Pop(p, 1);
+  return 0;
+** Subscript command:   NAME TEXT-LIST NUMLINES combobox
+** Generate an HTML combobox.  NAME is both the name of the
+** CGI parameter and the name of a variable that contains the
+** currently selected value.  TEXT-LIST is a list of possible
+** values for the combobox.  NUMLINES is 1 for a true combobox.
+** If NUMLINES is greater than one then the display is a listbox
+** with the number of lines given.
+static int comboboxCmd(struct Subscript *p, void *NotUsed){
+  if( SbS_RequireStack(p, 3, "combobox") ) return 1;
+  if( enableOutput ){
+    int height;
+    Blob list, elem;
+    char *zName, *zList;
+    int nName, nList, nValue;
+    const char *zValue;
+    char *z, *zH;
+    height = SbS_StackValueInt(p, 0);
+    zList = (char*)SbS_StackValue(p, 1, &nList);
+    blob_init(&list, zList, nList);
+    zName = (char*)SbS_StackValue(p, 2, &nName);
+    zValue = SbS_Fetch(p, zName, nName, &nValue);
+    z = mprintf("<select name=\"%.*h\" size=\"%d\">", nName, zName, height);
+    sendText(z, -1);
+    free(z);
+    while( blob_token(&list, &elem) ){
+      zH = mprintf("%.*h", blob_size(&elem), blob_buffer(&elem));
+      if( zValue && blob_size(&elem)==nValue
+             && memcmp(zValue, blob_buffer(&elem), nValue)==0 ){
+        z = mprintf("<option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>", zH, zH);
+      }else{
+        z = mprintf("<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>", zH, zH);
+      }
+      free(zH);
+      sendText(z, -1);
+      free(z);
+    }
+    sendText("</select>", -1);
+    blob_reset(&list);
+  }
+  SbS_Pop(p, 3);
   return 0;
@@ -753,8 +842,9 @@
   void *pArg;
 } aBuiltin[] = {
   { "add",             bopCmd,               (void*)SBSOP_AND    },
   { "and",             bopCmd,               (void*)SBSOP_AND    },
+  { "combobox",        comboboxCmd,          0,                  },
   { "div",             bopCmd,               (void*)SBSOP_DIV    },
   { "enable_output",   enableOutputCmd,      0                   },
   { "exists",          existsCmd,            0,                  },
   { "get",             getCmd,               0,                  },
@@ -768,8 +858,9 @@
   { "or",              bopCmd,               (void*)SBSOP_OR     },
   { "puts",            putsCmd,              0                   },
   { "set",             setCmd,               0                   },
   { "sub",             bopCmd,               (void*)SBSOP_SUB    },
+  { "wiki",            wikiCmd,              0,                  },
@@ -861,8 +952,11 @@
               lwr = i+1;
+          if( upr<lwr ){
+            SbS_SetErrorMessage(p, "unknown verb: %.*s", n, zScript);
+          }
         }else if( pVal->flags & SBSVAL_VERB ){
           rc = pVal->u.verb.xVerb(p, pVal->u.verb.pArg);
         }else if( pVal->flags & SBSVAL_EXEC ){
           rc = SbS_Eval(p, pVal->u.str.z, pVal->u.str.size);
@@ -888,15 +982,9 @@
   int i = 0;
   int rc = SBS_OK;
   while( z[i] ){
     if( z[i]=='[' ){
-      if( enableOutput ){
-        if( g.cgiPanic ){
-          cgi_append_content(z, i);
-        }else{
-          fwrite(z, 1, i, stdout);
-        }
-      }
+      sendText(z, i);
       z += i+1;
       for(i=0; z[i] && z[i]!=']'; i++){}
       rc = SbS_Eval(p, z, i);
       if( rc!=SBS_OK ) break;
@@ -906,14 +994,14 @@
-  if( i>0 && enableOutput ){
-    if( g.cgiPanic ){
-      cgi_append_content(z, i);
-    }else{
-      fwrite(z, 1, i, stdout);
-    }
+  if( rc==SBS_ERROR ){
+    sendText("<hr><p><font color=\"red\"><b>ERROR: ", -1);
+    sendText(SbS_GetErrorMessage(p), -1);
+    sendText("</b></font></p>", -1);
+  }else{
+    sendText(z, i);
   return rc;