Differences From:
part of check-in
- Continued work on pass 8, added outline for handling of retrograde branches, extended changesets with predicate allowing us to find the branch changesets.
aku on
2007-11-22 03:33:32.
part of check-in
- Continued work on pass 8. Completed the handling of backward branches, file level analysis and splitting them. Extended changesets with the necessary methods to the predecessor data and proper per-revision maps.
aku on
2007-11-22 04:21:37.
@@ -68,8 +68,20 @@
SELECT type FROM symbol WHERE sid = $mysrcid
+ method successormap {} {
+ # NOTE / FUTURE: Possible bottleneck.
+ array set tmp {}
+ foreach {rev children} [$self nextmap] {
+ foreach child $children {
+ lappend tmp($rev) $myrevmap($child)
+ }
+ set tmp($rev) [lsort -unique $tmp($rev)]
+ }
+ return [array get tmp]
+ }
method successors {} {
# NOTE / FUTURE: Possible bottleneck.
set csets {}
foreach {_ children} [$self nextmap] {
@@ -79,14 +91,34 @@
return [lsort -unique $csets]
+ method predecessormap {} {
+ # NOTE / FUTURE: Possible bottleneck.
+ array set tmp {}
+ foreach {rev children} [$self premap] {
+ foreach child $children {
+ lappend tmp($rev) $myrevmap($child)
+ }
+ set tmp($rev) [lsort -unique $tmp($rev)]
+ }
+ return [array get tmp]
+ }
# revision -> list (revision)
method nextmap {} {
if {[llength $mynextmap]} { return $mynextmap }
PullSuccessorRevisions tmp $myrevisions
set mynextmap [array get tmp]
return $mynextmap
+ }
+ # revision -> list (revision)
+ method premap {} {
+ if {[llength $mypremap]} { return $mypremap }
+ PullPredecessorRevisions tmp $myrevisions
+ set mypremap [array get tmp]
+ return $mypremap
method breakinternaldependencies {} {
# This method inspects the changesets for internal
@@ -304,8 +336,12 @@
variable mysrcid {} ; # Id of the metadata or symbol the cset
# is based on.
variable myrevisions {} ; # List of the file level revisions in
# the cset.
+ variable mypremap {} ; # Dictionary mapping from the revisions
+ # to their predecessors. Cache to avoid
+ # loading this from the state more than
+ # once.
variable mynextmap {} ; # Dictionary mapping from the revisions
# to their successors. Cache to avoid
# loading this from the state more than
# once.
@@ -392,8 +428,33 @@
if {$rid == $child} {
trouble internal "Revision $rid depends on itself."
lappend dependencies($rid) $child
+ }
+ }
+ proc PullPredecessorRevisions {dv revisions} {
+ upvar 1 $dv dependencies
+ set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
+ foreach {rid parent} [state run "
+ -- Primary parent, can be in different LOD for first in a branch
+ SELECT R.rid, R.parent
+ FROM revision R
+ WHERE R.rid IN $theset
+ AND R.parent IS NOT NULL
+ -- Transition trunk to NTDB
+ SELECT R.rid, R.dbparent
+ FROM revision R
+ WHERE R.rid IN $theset
+ AND R.dbparent IS NOT NULL
+ "] {
+ # Consider moving this to the integrity module.
+ if {$rid == $parent} {
+ trouble internal "Revision $rid depends on itself."
+ }
+ lappend dependencies($rid) $parent
proc InitializeBreakState {revisions} {
@@ -609,10 +670,11 @@
typevariable myrevmap -array {} ; # Map from revisions to their changeset.
typevariable myidmap -array {} ; # Map from changeset id to changeset.
typevariable mybranchcode {} ; # Local copy of project::sym/mybranch.
- typemethod all {} { return $mychangesets }
- typemethod of {id} { return $myidmap($id) }
+ typemethod all {} { return $mychangesets }
+ typemethod of {id} { return $myidmap($id) }
+ typemethod ofrev {id} { return $myrevmap($id) }
typeconstructor {
set mybranchcode [project::sym branch]