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Differences From:

File src/tktsetup.c part of check-in [d5e7891b07] - Add a more advanced commit-hook mechanism that allows us to specify multiple procedures in a particular order prior to commit. Continuing work toward getting tickets going. by drh on 2007-11-18 20:48:07. Also file src/tktsetup.c part of check-in [d0305b305a] - Merged mainline into my branch to get the newest application. by aku on 2007-12-05 08:07:46. [view]


File src/tktsetup.c part of check-in [ce277cadda] - Incremental work on tickets and especially ticket configuration. by drh on 2008-05-25 19:36:47. [view]

@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 ** Main sub-menu for configuring the ticketing system.
-** WEBPAGE: /tktsetup
+** WEBPAGE: tktsetup
 void tktsetup_page(void){
   if( !g.okSetup ){
@@ -38,7 +38,417 @@
   style_header("Ticket Setup");
-  @ <i>TBD...</i>
+  @ <table border="0" cellspacing="20">
+  setup_menu_entry("Table", "tktsetup_tab",
+    "Specify the schema of the  \"ticket\" table in the database.");
+  setup_menu_entry("Common", "tktsetup_com",
+    "Common TH1 code run before all ticket processing.");
+  setup_menu_entry("New Ticket Page", "tktsetup_newpage",
+    "HTML with embedded TH1 code for the \"new ticket\" webpage.");
+  setup_menu_entry("View Ticket Page", "tktsetup_viewpage",
+    "HTML with embedded TH1 code for the \"view ticket\" webpage.");
+  setup_menu_entry("Edit Ticket Page", "tktsetup_editpage",
+    "HTML with embedded TH1 code for the \"edit ticket\" webpage.");
+  setup_menu_entry("Report Format", "tktsetup_drep",
+    "The default ticket report format.");
+  @ </table>
+  style_footer();
+/* @-comment: ** */
+static char zDefaultTab[] =
+@ CREATE TABLE ticket(
+@   -- Do not change any column that begins with tkt_
+@   tkt_uuid TEXT,
+@   tkt_mtime DATE,
+@   -- Add as many field as required below this line
+@   type TEXT,
+@   status TEXT,
+@   subsystem TEXT,
+@   priority TEXT,
+@   severity TEXT,
+@   foundin TEXT,
+@   contact TEXT,
+@   resolution TEXT,
+@   title TEXT,
+@   comment TEXT,
+@   -- Do not alter this UNIQUE clause:
+@   UNIQUE(tkt_uuid, tkt_mtime)
+@ );
+** Common implementation for the ticket setup editor pages.
+static void tktsetup_generic(
+  const char *zTitle,           /* Page title */
+  const char *zDbField,         /* Configuration field being edited */
+  char *zDfltValue,             /* Default text value */
+  const char *zDesc,            /* Description of this field */
+  int height                    /* Height of the edit box */
+  const char *z;
+  int isSubmit;
+  login_check_credentials();
+  if( !g.okSetup ){
+    login_needed();
+  }
+  if( P("setup") ){
+    cgi_redirect("tktsetup");
+  }
+  isSubmit = P("submit")!=0;
+  db_begin_transaction();
+  z = P("x");
+  if( z==0 ){
+    z = db_get(zDbField, zDfltValue);
+  }
+  style_header("Edit %s", zTitle);
+  if( P("clear")!=0 ){
+    db_unset(zDbField, 0);
+    z = zDfltValue;
+  }else if( isSubmit ){
+    db_set(zDbField, z, 0);
+  }
+  @ <form action="%s(g.zBaseURL)/%s(g.zPath)" method="POST">
+  @ %s(zDesc)
+  @ <textarea name="tab" rows="%d(height)" cols="80">%h(z)</textarea>
+  @ <br />
+  @ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply Changes">
+  @ <input type="submit" name="clear" value="Revert To Default">
+  @ <input type="submit" name="setup" value="Ticket Setup Menu">
+  @ </form>
+  @ <hr>
+  @ <h2>Default %s(zTitle)</h2>
+  @ <blockquote><pre>
+  @ %h(zDfltValue)
+  @ </pre></blockquote>
+  db_end_transaction(0);
+** WEBPAGE: tktsetup_tab
+void tktsetup_tab_page(void){
+  static const char zDesc[] =
+  @ <p>Enter a valid CREATE TABLE statement for the "ticket" table.  The
+  @ table must contain columns named "tkt_id", "tkt_uuid", and "tkt_mtime"
+  @ with an unique index on "tkt_uuid" and "tkt_mtime".</p>
+  ;
+  tktsetup_generic(
+    "Ticket Table Schema",
+    "ticket-table",
+    zDefaultTab,
+    zDesc,
+    20
+  );
+static char zDefaultCom[] =
+@ set type_choices {
+@    Code_Defect
+@    Build_Problem
+@    Documentation
+@    Feature_Request
+@    Incident
+@ }
+@ set priority_choices {
+@   Immediate
+@   High
+@   Medium
+@   Low
+@   Zero
+@ }
+@ set severity_choices {
+@   Critical
+@   Severe
+@   Important
+@   Minor
+@   Cosmetic
+@ }
+@ set resolution_choices {
+@   Open
+@   Fixed
+@   Rejected
+@   Unable_To_Reproduce
+@   Works_As_Designed
+@   External_Bug
+@   Not_A_Bug
+@   Duplicate
+@   Overcome_By_Events
+@   Drive_By_Patch
+@ }
+@ set status_choices {
+@   Open
+@   Verified
+@   In_Process
+@   Deferred
+@   Fixed
+@   Tested
+@   Closed
+@ }
+@ set subsystem_choices {one two three}
+** WEBPAGE: tktsetup_com
+void tktsetup_com_page(void){
+  static const char zDesc[] =
+  @ <p>Enter TH1 script that initializes variables prior to generating
+  @ any of the ticket view, edit, or creation pages.</p>
+  ;
+  tktsetup_generic(
+    "Ticket Common Script",
+    "ticket-common",
+    zDefaultCom,
+    zDesc,
+    30
+  );
+static char zDefaultNew[] =
+@ <th1>
+@   if {[info exists submit]} {
+@      set status Open
+@      submit_ticket
+@   }
+@ </th1>
+@ <table cellpadding="5">
+@ <tr>
+@ <td colspan="2">
+@ Enter a one-line summary of the problem:<br>
+@ <input type="text" name="title" size="60" value="$<title>">
+@ </td>
+@ </tr>
+@ <tr>
+@ <td align="right">Type:
+@ <th1>combobox type $type_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td>
+@ <td>What type of ticket is this?</td>
+@ </tr>
+@ <tr>
+@ <td align="right">Version:
+@ <input type="text" name="foundin" size="20" value="$<foundin>">
+@ </td>
+@ <td>In what version or build number do you observe the problem?</td>
+@ </tr>
+@ <tr>
+@ <td align="right">Severity:
+@ <th1>combobox severity $severity_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td>
+@ <td>How debilitating is the problem?  How badly does the problem
+@ effect the operation of the product?</td>
+@ </tr>
+@ <tr>
+@ <td align="right">EMail:
+@ <input type="text" name="contact" value="$<contact>" size="30">
+@ </td>
+@ <td>Not publically visible. Used by developers to contact you with
+@ questions.</td>
+@ </tr>
+@ <tr>
+@ <td colspan="2">
+@ Enter a detailed description of the problem.
+@ For code defects, be sure to provide details on exactly how
+@ the problem can be reproduced.  Provide as much detail as
+@ possible.
+@ <br>
+@ <th1>set nline [linecount $comment 50 10]</th1>
+@ <textarea name="comment" cols="80" rows="$nline"
+@  wrap="virtual" class="wikiedit">$<comment></textarea><br>
+@ <input type="submit" name="preview" value="Preview">
+@ </tr>
+@ <th1>enable_output [info exists preview]</th1>
+@ <tr><td colspan="2">
+@ Description Preview:<br><hr>
+@ <th1>wiki $comment</th1>
+@ <hr>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <th1>enable_output 1</th1>
+@ <tr>
+@ <td align="right">
+@ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
+@ </td>
+@ <td>After filling in the information above, press this button to create
+@ the new ticket</td>
+@ </tr>
+@ </table>
+** WEBPAGE: tktsetup_newpage
+void tktsetup_newpage_page(void){
+  static const char zDesc[] =
+  @ <p>Enter HTML with embedded TH1 script that will render the "new ticket"
+  @ page</p>
+  ;
+  tktsetup_generic(
+    "HTML For New Tickets",
+    "ticket-newpage",
+    zDefaultNew,
+    zDesc,
+    40
+  );
+static char zDefaultView[] =
+@ <table cellpadding="5">
+@ <tr><td align="right">Title:</td><td>
+@ $<title>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Status:</td><td>
+@ $<status>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Type:</td><td>
+@ $<type>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Severity:</td><td>
+@ $<severity>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Priority:</td><td>
+@ $<priority>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Resolution:</td><td>
+@ $<resolution>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Subsystem:</td><td>
+@ $<subsystem>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <th1>enable_output [hascap e]</th1>
+@   <tr><td align="right">Contact:</td><td>
+@   $<contact>
+@   </td></tr>
+@ <th1>enable_output 1</th1>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Version&nbsp;Found&nbsp;In:</td><td>
+@ $<foundin>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td colspan="2">
+@ Description And Comments:<br>
+@ <th1>wiki $comment</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ </table>
+** WEBPAGE: tktsetup_viewpage
+void tktsetup_viewpage_page(void){
+  static const char zDesc[] =
+  @ <p>Enter HTML with embedded TH1 script that will render the "view ticket"
+  @ page</p>
+  ;
+  tktsetup_generic(
+    "HTML For Viewing Tickets",
+    "ticket-viewpage",
+    zDefaultView,
+    zDesc,
+    40
+  );
+static char zDefaultEdit[] =
+@ <th1>
+@   if {![info exists username]} {set username $login}
+@   if {[info exists submit]} {
+@     if {[info exists cmappnd]} {
+@       if {[string length $cmappnd]>0} {
+@         set ctxt "\n\n<hr><i>[htmlize $login]"
+@         if {$username ne $login} {
+@           set ctxt "$ctxt claiming to be [htmlize $username]"
+@         }
+@         set ctxt "$ctxt added on [date]:</i><br>\n$cmappnd"
+@         append_field comment $ctxt
+@       }
+@     }
+@     submit_ticket
+@   }
+@ </th1>
+@ <table cellpadding="5">
+@ <tr><td align="right">Title:</td><td>
+@ <input type="text" name="title" value="$<title>" size="60">
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Status:</td><td>
+@ <th1>combobox status $status_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Type:</td><td>
+@ <th1>combobox type $type_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Severity:</td><td>
+@ <th1>combobox severity $severity_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Priority:</td><td>
+@ <th1>combobox priority $priority_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Resolution:</td><td>
+@ <th1>combobox resolution $resolution_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Subsystem:</td><td>
+@ <th1>combobox subsystem $subsystem_choices 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <th1>enable_output [hascap e]</th1>
+@   <tr><td align="right">Contact:</td><td>
+@   <input type="text" name="contact" size="40" value="$<contact>">
+@   </td></tr>
+@ <th1>enable_output 1</th1>
+@ <tr><td align="right">Version&nbsp;Found&nbsp;In:</td><td>
+@ <input type="text" name="foundin" size="50" value="$<foundin>">
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td colspan="2">
+@ <th1>
+@   if {![info exists eall]} {set eall 0}
+@   if {[info exists aonlybtn]} {set eall 0}
+@   if {[info exists eallbtn]} {set eall 1}
+@   if {![hascap w]} {set eall 0}
+@   if {![info exists cmappnd]} {set cmappnd {}}
+@   set nline [linecount $comment 15 10]
+@   enable_output $eall
+@ </th1>
+@   Description And Comments:<br>
+@   <textarea name="comment" cols="80" rows="$nline"
+@    wrap="virtual" class="wikiedit">$<comment></textarea><br>
+@   <input type="hidden" name="eall" value="1">
+@   <input type="submit" name="aonlybtn" value="Append Remark">
+@ <th1>enable_output [expr {!$eall}]</th1>
+@   Append Remark from
+@   <input type="text" name="username" value="$<username>" size="30">:<br>
+@   <textarea name="cmappnd" cols="80" rows="15"
+@    wrap="virtual" class="wikiedit">$<cmappnd></textarea><br>
+@ <th1>enable_output [expr {[hascap w] && !$eall}]</th1>
+@   <input type="submit" name="eallbtn" value="Edit All">
+@ <th1>enable_output 1</th1>
+@ </td></tr>
+@ <tr><td align="right"></td><td>
+@ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes">
+@ </td></tr>
+@ </table>
+** WEBPAGE: tktsetup_editpage
+void tktsetup_editpage_page(void){
+  static const char zDesc[] =
+  @ <p>Enter HTML with embedded TH1 script that will render the "edit ticket"
+  @ page</p>
+  ;
+  tktsetup_generic(
+    "HTML For Editing Tickets",
+    "ticket-editpage",
+    zDefaultEdit,
+    zDesc,
+    40
+  );