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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pinitcsets.tcl part of check-in [24c0b662de] - Reworked the in-memory storage of changesets in pass 5 and supporting classes, and added loading of changesets from the persistent state for when the pass is skipped. by aku on 2007-11-13 05:09:07. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pinitcsets.tcl part of check-in [341d96be21] - Bugfix. In pass 5, loading the changesets used the type codes instead of the type names. Modified the SQL selecting the data to return the proper names. by aku on 2007-11-16 03:52:18. [view]

@@ -105,10 +105,11 @@
 	state reading csrevision
 	state reading cstype
 	foreach {id pid cstype srcid} [state run {
-	    SELECT C.cid, C.pid, C.type, C.src
-	    FROM   changeset C
+	    SELECT C.cid, C.pid, CS.name, C.src
+	    FROM   changeset C, cstype CS
+	    WHERE  C.type = CS.tid
 	    ORDER BY C.cid
 	}] {
 	    set r [project::rev %AUTO% [repository projectof $pid] $cstype $srcid [state run {
 		SELECT C.rid