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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl part of check-in [24c0b662de] - Reworked the in-memory storage of changesets in pass 5 and supporting classes, and added loading of changesets from the persistent state for when the pass is skipped. by aku on 2007-11-13 05:09:07. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl part of check-in [85bd219d0b] - Continued work on pass 6. Completed creation of changeset graph (nodes, dependencies), started on topological iteration and breaking cycles. Basic iteration is complete, fiding a cycle ditto. Not yet done is to actually break a found cycle. Extended the changeset class with the necessary accessor methods (getting cset type, successors, time range). Note: Looking at my code it may be that my decision to save the cset order caused this pass to subsume the RevisionTopologicalSortPass of cvs2svn. Check again when I am done. Note 2: The test case (tcl repository, tcl project) had no cycles. by aku on 2007-11-13 07:22:35. [view]

@@ -36,15 +36,33 @@
 	set mytype      $cstype
 	set mysrcid	$srcid
 	set myrevisions $revisions
-	# Keep track of the generated changesets.
+	# Keep track of the generated changesets and of the inverse
+	# mapping from revisions to them.
 	lappend mychangesets $self
+	foreach r $revisions { set myrevmap($r) $self }
-    method id {} { return $myid }
+    method id        {} { return $myid }
+    method revisions {} { return $myrevisions }
     method setid {id} { set myid $id ; return }
+    method bysymbol   {} { return [expr {$mytype eq "sym"}] }
+    method byrevision {} { return [expr {$mytype eq "rev"}] }
+    method successors {} {
+	# NOTE / FUTURE: Possible bottleneck.
+	array set dependencies {}
+	PullSuccessorRevisions dependencies $myrevisions
+	set csets {}
+	foreach {_ child} [array get dependencies] {
+	    lappend csets $myrevmap($child)
+	}
+	return [lsort -unique $csets]
+    }
     method breakinternaldependencies {} {
 	# This method inspects the changesets for internal
 	# dependencies. Nothing is done if there are no
@@ -67,9 +85,9 @@
 	# Array of dependencies (parent -> child). This is pulled from
 	# the state, and limited to successors within the changeset.
 	array set dependencies {}
-	PullInternalDependencies dependencies $myrevisions
+	PullSuccessorRevisions dependencies $myrevisions
 	if {![array size dependencies]} {return 0} ; # Nothing to break.
 	log write 6 csets ...<$myid>.......................................................
@@ -206,8 +224,17 @@
+    method timerange {} {
+	set theset ('[join $myrevisions {','}]')
+	return [state run "
+	    SELECT MIN(R.date), MAX(R.date)
+	    FROM revision R
+	    WHERE R.rid IN $theset
+	"]
+    }
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## State
     variable myid        ; # Id of the cset for the persistent state.
@@ -228,9 +255,9 @@
 	}] { set mycstype($name) $tid }
-    proc PullInternalDependencies {dv revisions} {
+    proc PullSuccessorRevisions {dv revisions} {
 	upvar 1 $dv dependencies
 	set theset ('[join $revisions {','}]')
 	foreach {rid child} [state run "
@@ -292,9 +319,9 @@
 	# Note 2: start == end is not possible. It indicates a
 	#         self-dependency due to the uniqueness of positions,
 	#         and that is something we have ruled out already, see
-	#         PullInternalDependencies.
+	#         PullSuccessorRevisions.
 	foreach {rid child} [array get dependencies] {
 	    set dkey    [list $rid $child]
 	    set start   $pos($rid)
@@ -471,9 +498,10 @@
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
-    typevariable mychangesets {} ; # List of all known changesets.
+    typevariable mychangesets    {} ; # List of all known changesets.
+    typevariable myrevmap -array {} ; # Map from revisions to their changeset.
     typemethod all {} {
 	return $mychangesets