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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl part of check-in [ffafc0bd65] - Continued work on pass 4. Added code bringing the file level symbol data into compliance with the project level symbol types, converting tags to branches and vice versa. by aku on 2007-11-06 07:14:07. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl part of check-in [3a530ef947] - Continued work on pass 4. Now propagating the project level information about prefered parents down to the file level tags. Same for the file level branches is not yet done. by aku on 2007-11-06 08:05:40. [view]

@@ -72,8 +72,10 @@
 	state transaction {
+	    AdjustTagParents
+	    AdjustBranchParents
 	    # Consider a rerun of the pass 2 paranoia checks.
@@ -195,15 +197,14 @@
 	# (project level), and put them into the correct table.
 	set branch [project::sym branch]
-	set tagstomutate [state run {
+	foreach {id fid lod sid rev} [state run {
 	    SELECT T.tid, T.fid, T.lod, T.sid, T.rev
 	    FROM tag T, symbol S
 	    WHERE T.sid = S.sid
 	    AND S.type = $branch
-	}]
-	foreach {id fid lod sid rev} $tagstomutate {
+	}] {
 	    state run {
 		DELETE FROM tag WHERE tid = $id ;
 		INSERT INTO branch (bid, fid,  lod,  sid,  root, first, bra)
 		VALUES             ($id, $fid, $lod, $sid, $rev, NULL,  '');
@@ -220,21 +221,76 @@
 	# (project level), and put them into the correct table.
 	set tag [project::sym tag]
-	set branchestomutate [state run {
+	foreach {id fid lod sid root first bra} [state run {
 	    SELECT B.bid, B.fid, B.lod, B.sid, B.root, B.first, B.bra
 	    FROM branch B, symbol S
 	    WHERE B.sid = S.sid
 	    AND S.type = $tag
-	}]
-	foreach {id fid lod sid root first bra} $branchestomutate {
+	}] {
 	    state run {
 		DELETE FROM branch WHERE bid = $id ;
 		INSERT INTO tag (tid, fid,  lod,  sid,  rev)
 		VALUES          ($id, $fid, $lod, $sid, $root);
+	return
+    }
+    # Adjust the parents of symbols to their preferred parents.
+    # If a file level ymbol has a preferred parent that is different
+    # than its current parent, and if the preferred parent is an
+    # allowed parent of the symbol in this file, then we graft the
+    # aSymbol onto its preferred parent.
+    proc AdjustTagParents {} {
+	log write 3 filtersym "Adjust tag parents"
+	# Find the tags whose current parent (lod) is not the prefered
+	# parent, the prefered parent is not the trunk, and the
+	# prefered parent is a possible parent per the tag's file ().
+	foreach {id fid lod pid preferedname revnr} [state run {
+	    SELECT T.tid, T.fid, T.lod, P.pid, S.name, R.rev
+	    FROM tag T, preferedparent P, symbol S, revision R
+	    WHERE T.sid = P.sid
+	    AND   T.lod != P.pid
+	    AND   P.pid = S.sid
+	    AND   S.name != ':trunk:'
+	    AND   T.rev = R.rid
+	    AND   P.pid IN (SELECT B.sid FROM branch B WHERE B.root = R.rid)
+	}] {
+	    # The names for use in the log output are retrieved
+	    # separately, to keep the join selecting the adjustable
+	    # tags small, not burdened with the dereferencing of links
+	    # to name.
+	    set tagname [lindex [state run {
+		SELECT S.name FROM tag T, symbol S WHERE T.sid = S.sid AND T.tid = $id
+	    }] 0]
+	    set oldname [lindex [state run {
+		SELECT L.name FROM symbol L WHERE L.sid = $lod
+	    }] 0]
+	    struct::list assign [state run {
+		SELECT F.name, P.name
+		FROM file F, project P
+		WHERE F.fid = $fid AND F.pid = P.pid
+	    }] fname prname
+	    # Do the grafting.
+	    log write 3 filtersym "$prname : Grafting tag '$tagname' on $fname/$revnr from '$oldname' onto '$preferedname'"
+	    state run {
+		UPDATE tag SET lod = $pid WHERE tid = $id ;
+	    }
+	}
+	return
+    }
+    proc AdjustBranchParents {} {
+	log write 3 filtersym "Adjust branch parents"
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