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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_psym.tcl part of check-in [38b967dcf5] - Merge aku's CVS import changes into the main line. Fix a small bug in diff.c. by drh on 2007-11-17 00:29:42. Also file tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_psym.tcl part of check-in [ffafc0bd65] - Continued work on pass 4. Added code bringing the file level symbol data into compliance with the project level symbol types, converting tags to branches and vice versa. by aku on 2007-11-06 07:14:07. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_psym.tcl part of check-in [930ec162ce] - Fixed the calculation of possible parents for a detached NTDB. Has to be trunk. The symbols were skipped before, causing them to have no parents at all later on, forcing an abort after CollateSymbols. Added some high verbosity log commands for debugging of this area. by aku on 2007-11-22 06:03:47. [view]

@@ -106,8 +106,10 @@
     method possibleparent {symbol} {
+	log write 9 symbol "Possible parent ($myname) = [$symbol name]"
 	if {[info exists mypparent($symbol)]} {
 	    incr mypparent($symbol)
 	} else {
 	    set  mypparent($symbol) 1