Differences From:
part of check-in
- Extended handling of id's for files so that we have them for backreferences from symbols and revisions. Completed persistence of revisions and symbols at file-level and fixed small problem with left-over links to branches.
aku on
2007-10-24 08:01:01.
part of check-in
- Merge aku's CVS import changes into the main line. Fix a small bug in diff.c.
drh on
2007-11-17 00:29:42.
Also file
part of check-in
- Added code creating aggregate symbol statistics. This completes pass 2 (CollRev).
aku on
2007-10-31 03:44:01.
@@ -233,9 +233,10 @@
method done {} {
# Complete the revisions, branches, and tags. This includes
# looking for a non-trunk default branch, marking its members
- # and linking them into the trunk.
+ # and linking them into the trunk, possibly excluding
+ # non-trunk data, and collecting aggregate symbol statistics.
$self DetermineRevisionOperations
$self DetermineLinesOfDevelopment
$self HandleNonTrunkDefaultBranch
@@ -244,8 +245,10 @@
if {[$myproject trunkonly]} {
$self ExcludeNonTrunkInformation
+ $self AggregateSymbolData
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
@@ -1023,8 +1026,62 @@
return [list [lsort -unique -dict $revisions] [lsort -unique -dict $symbols]]
+ }
+ method AggregateSymbolData {} {
+ # Now that the exact set of revisions (and through that
+ # branches and tags) is known we can update the aggregate
+ # symbol statistics.
+ foreach root [$self LinesOfDevelopment] {
+ set lod [$root lod]
+ # Note: If the LOD is the trunk the count*, etc. methods
+ # will do nothing, as it is always present (cannot be
+ # excluded), and is always a branch too.
+ # Lines of development count as branches and have a commit
+ # on them (root). If they are still attached to a tree we
+ # have to compute and register possible parents.
+ $lod countasbranch
+ $lod countacommit
+ if {[$root hasparentbranch]} {
+ # Note lod == [$root parentbranch]
+ $lod possibleparents
+ }
+ # For the revisions in the line we register their branches
+ # and tags as blockers for the lod, and update the type
+ # counters as well. As branch symbols without commits on
+ # them are not listed as lines of development, we have to
+ # count them here as well, as plain branches. At last we
+ # have to compute and register the possible parents of the
+ # tags, in case they are later converted as branches.
+ while {$root ne ""} {
+ foreach branch [$root branches] {
+ $lod blockedby $branch
+ $branch possibleparents
+ if {[$branch haschild]} continue
+ $branch countasbranch
+ }
+ foreach tag [$root tags] {
+ $lod blockedby $tag
+ $tag possibleparents
+ $tag countastag
+ }
+ set root [$root child]
+ }
+ }
+ return
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Configuration