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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pcollrev.tcl part of check-in [3a00ac5aa2] - Due to quickly building memory pressure for large cvs repositories (thousands of revisions and symbol object) we have to save the pertinent information of a file immediately after it has been processed and then clear the memory. Inserted the basic skeleton for this into pass and file objects. by aku on 2007-10-23 02:29:55. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pcollrev.tcl part of check-in [adf168e23e] - Extended handling of id's for files so that we have them for backreferences from symbols and revisions. Completed persistence of revisions and symbols at file-level and fixed small problem with left-over links to branches. by aku on 2007-10-24 08:01:01. [view]

@@ -57,55 +57,62 @@
 	# into tags and branches. At project level the per-file
 	# symbols information is merged.
 	# File level ...
-	#	Event, Revision, Symbol, Branch, Tag
+	#	Revisions, Branches, Tags
-	#	Tag    <- Symbol <- Event
-	#	Branch <- Symbol <- Event
-	#	Revision <- Event
-	#
-	#	Head revision, Principal branch, Comment
-	state writing rcs {
-	    fid       INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,    -- RCS inherit from FILE
-	    head      INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES revision,
-	    principal INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES branch,
-	    comment   TEXT     NOT NULL
-	}
-	state writing item {
-	    type INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- enum { tag = 1, branch, revision }
-	    fid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file  -- File the item belongs to
-	}
+	# Pseudo class hierarchy
+	#	Tag      <- Symbol <- Event
+	#	Branch   <- Symbol <- Event
+	#	Revision           <- Event
 	state writing revision {
-	    iid   INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES item,   -- REVISION inherit from ITEM
-	    lod   INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol, -- Line of development
+	    fid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,   -- File the item belongs to
+	    lod  INTEGER            REFERENCES symbol, -- Line of development (NULL => Trunk)
 	    -- The tags and branches belonging to a revision can be
 	    -- determined by selecting on the backreferences in the
 	    -- tag and branch tables.
-	    rev   TEXT     NOT NULL,                     -- revision number
-	    date  INTEGER  NOT NULL,                     -- date of entry, seconds since epoch
-	    state TEXT     NOT NULL,                     -- state of revision
-	    mid   INTEGER  NOT NULL REFERENCES meta,     -- meta data (author, commit message)
-	    next  INTEGER  NOT NULL REFERENCES revision, -- next in chain of revisions.
-	    cs    INTEGER  NOT NULL, -- Revision content as offset and length
-	    cl    INTEGER  NOT NULL  -- into the archive file.
+	    rev   TEXT     NOT NULL,                 -- revision number
+	    date  INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- date of entry, seconds since epoch
+	    state TEXT     NOT NULL,                 -- state of revision
+	    mid   INTEGER  NOT NULL REFERENCES meta, -- meta data (author, commit message)
+	    cs    INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- Revision content as offset and
+	    cl    INTEGER  NOT NULL,                 -- length into the archive file.
+	    -- Derived information, and links
+	    -- Basic: Parent/Child
+	    -- NTDB:  DefaultParent/DefaultChild
+	    -- Branches: Branch parent revision
+	    op        INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	    isdefault INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	    parent    INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
+	    child     INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
+	    dbparent  INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
+	    dbchild   INTEGER        REFERENCES revision,
+	    bparent   INTEGER        REFERENCES symbol
 	state writing tag {
-	    iid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES item,     -- TAG inherit from ITEM
-	    sid INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol,   -- Symbol capturing the tag
-	    rev INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES revision -- The revision being tagged.
+	    fid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,     -- File the item belongs to
+	    lod  INTEGER            REFERENCES symbol,   -- Line of development (NULL => Trunk)
+	    sid  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol,   -- Symbol capturing the tag
+	    rev  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES revision  -- The revision being tagged.
 	state writing branch {
-	    iid   INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES item,     -- BRANCH inherit from ITEM
+	    fid   INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES file,     -- File the item belongs to
+	    lod   INTEGER            REFERENCES symbol,   -- Line of development (NULL => Trunk)
 	    sid   INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES symbol,   -- Symbol capturing the branch
 	    root  INTEGER  NOT NULL  REFERENCES revision, -- Revision the branch sprouts from
 	    first INTEGER            REFERENCES revision, -- First revision committed to the branch
 	    bra   TEXT     NOT NULL                       -- branch number
@@ -208,19 +215,21 @@
 		    } else {
 			global errorInfo
 			trouble internal $errorInfo
+		} else {
+		    # We persist the core of the data collected about
+		    # each file immediately after it has been parsed
+		    # and wrangled into shape, and then drop it from
+		    # memory. This is done to keep the amount of
+		    # required memory within sensible limits. Without
+		    # doing it this way we would easily gobble up 1G
+		    # of RAM or more with all the objects (revisions
+		    # and file-level symbols).
+		    $file persist
-		# We persist the core of the data collected about each
-		# file immediately after it has been parsed and
-		# wrangled into shape, and then drop it from
-		# memory. This is done to keep the memory requirements
-		# within limits, i.e. without doing it this way it is
-		# easy to blow 1G of RAM with all the objects
-		# (revisions and file-level symbols).
-		$file persist
 		$file drop
@@ -235,10 +244,8 @@
 	# Pass manager interface. Executed for all passes after the
 	# run passes, to remove all data of this pass from the state,
 	# as being out of date.
-	state discard rcs
-	state discard item
 	state discard revision
 	state discard tag
 	state discard branch
 	state discard symbol