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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_frev.tcl part of check-in [cfe4b269ac] - Added detection of irrelevant trunk revisions for files added to a branch but not the trunk. Repository extended to keep inverted indices for the meta data and commit messages for retrieval of commit messages per meta data, required for the previous. fixed problem with file objects, we kept only the rcs path, and need the user visible path too. by aku on 2007-10-17 04:37:05. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_frev.tcl part of check-in [510cd02303] - Continued the work on pass II, wrangling a file into shape. Completed handling of unnecessary initial deletions on branches. by aku on 2007-10-19 07:23:57. [view]

@@ -67,8 +67,45 @@
 	set gen "file [file tail [$myfile usrpath]] was initially added on branch [$firstbranch name]."
 	set log [$myfile commitmessageof $mymetaid]
 	return [expr {$log ne $gen}]
+    }
+    method isneededbranchdel {} {
+	if {$myparentbranch eq ""}           {return 1} ; # not first on a branch, needed
+	set base [$myparentbranch parent]
+	if {$base           eq ""}           {return 1} ; # branch has parent lod, needed
+	if {[$self LODLength] < 2}           {return 1} ; # our lod contains only ourselves, needed.
+	if {$myoperation ne "delete"}        {return 1} ; # Not a deletion, needed
+	if {[llength $mytags]}               {return 1} ; # Have tags, needed
+	if {[llength $mybranches]}           {return 1} ; # Have other branches, needed
+	if {abs($mydate - [$base date]) > 2} {return 1} ; # Next rev > 2 seconds apart, needed
+        # FIXME: This message will not match if the RCS file was
+        # renamed manually after it was created.
+	set qfile [string map {
+	    .  \\.  ?  \\?  *  \\*  \\ \\\\ +  \\+  ^ \\^ $ \\$
+	    \[ \\\[ \] \\\] (  \\(   ) \\)  \{ \\\{ \} \\\}
+	} [file tail [$myfile usrpath]]]
+	set pattern "file $qfile was added on branch .* on \\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}( \[+-\]\\d{4})?"
+	set log     [$myfile commitmessageof $mymetaid]
+	# Not the special message, needed
+	if {![regexp -- $pattern $log]} {return 1}
+	# This is an unneeded initial branch delete.
+	return 0
+    }
+    method LODLength {} {
+	set n 1 ; # count self
+	set rev $mychild
+	while {$rev ne ""} {
+	    incr n
+	    set rev [$rev child]
+	}
+	return $n
     # Basic parent/child linkage __________