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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_repository.tcl part of check-in [54ac684df7] - Completed loading of pass I from persistent state when skipped. by aku on 2007-10-13 23:57:15. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_repository.tcl part of check-in [67c24820c7] - Reworked the whole handling of meta data (author, commit message, plus project/branch information), so that revisions now store only the meta id, everything else is stored centrally. All the relevant pieces (author, cmessage, symbols, projects) now also get numeric ids assigned early instead of when being saved to the state. Project ids are loaded from the state now too. by aku on 2007-10-14 01:58:07. [view]

@@ -71,16 +71,40 @@
-    typemethod author {a} {
-	set myauthor($a) ""
-	return
-    }
-    typemethod cmessage {cm} {
-	set mycmsg($cm) ""
-	return
+    typemethod defauthor {a} {
+	if {![info exists myauthor($a)]} {
+	    set myauthor($a) [incr myauthorcnt]
+	    log write 6 repository "author '$a' =  $myauthor($a)"
+	}
+	return $myauthor($a)
+    }
+    typemethod defcmessage {cm} {
+	if {![info exists mycmsg($cm)]} {
+	    set mycmsg($cm) [incr mycmsgcnt]
+	    log write 6 repository "cmessage '$cm' =  $mycmsg($cm)"
+	}
+	return $mycmsg($cm)
+    }
+    typemethod defsymbol {pid name} {
+	set key [list $pid $name]
+	if {![info exists mysymbol($key)]} {
+	    set mysymbol($key) [incr mysymbolcnt]
+	    log write 6 repository "symbol ($key) =  $mysymbol($key)"
+	}
+	return $mysymbol($key)
+    }
+    typemethod defmeta {pid bid aid cid} {
+	set key [list $pid $bid $aid $cid]
+	if {![info exists mymeta($key)]} {
+	    set mymeta($key) [incr mymetacnt]
+	    log write 6 repository "meta ($key) =  $mymeta($key)"
+	}
+	return $mymeta($key)
     # pass I results
     typemethod printstatistics {} {
@@ -142,8 +166,9 @@
 		SELECT pid, name FROM project ;
 	    }] {
 		lappend myprojpaths $name
 		lappend myprojects [set pr($pid) [project %AUTO% $name $type]]
+		$pr($pid) setid $pid
 	    foreach   {fid  pid  name  visible  exec} [state run {
 		SELECT fid, pid, name, visible, exec FROM file ;
 	    }] {
@@ -164,8 +189,12 @@
     typemethod persistrev {} {
 	state transaction {
+	    # TODO: Save symbols of all projects (before the revisions
+	    # in the projects, as they are referenced by the meta
+	    # tuples)
+	    SaveMeta
 	    foreach p [TheProjects] { $p persistrev }
@@ -173,12 +202,27 @@
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## State
     typevariable mybase          {} ; # Base path to CVS repository.
-    typevariable myprojpaths     {} ; # Paths to all declared projects, relative to mybase.
-    typevariable myprojects      {} ; # Objects for all declared projects.
-    typevariable myauthor -array {} ; # Names of all authors found, later with id.
-    typevariable mycmsg   -array {} ; # All commit messages found, later with id.
+    typevariable myprojpaths     {} ; # List of paths to all declared
+				      # projects, relative to mybase.
+    typevariable myprojects      {} ; # List of objects for all
+				      # declared projects.
+    typevariable myauthor -array {} ; # Names of all authors found,
+				      # maps to their ids.
+    typevariable myauthorcnt     0  ; # Counter for author ids.
+    typevariable mycmsg   -array {} ; # All commit messages found,
+				      # maps to their ids.
+    typevariable mycmsgcnt       0  ; # Counter for message ids.
+    typevariable mymeta   -array {} ; # Maps all meta data tuples
+				      # (project, branch, author,
+				      # cmessage) to their ids.
+    typevariable mymetacnt       0  ; # Counter for meta ids.
+    typevariable mysymbol -array {} ; # Map symbols identified by
+				      # project and name to their
+				      # id. This information is not
+				      # saved directly.
+    typevariable mysymbolcnt     0  ; # Counter for symbol ids.
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## Internal methods
@@ -238,28 +282,44 @@
     proc SaveAuthors {} {
 	::variable myauthor
-	foreach a [lsort -dict [array names myauthor]] {
+	foreach {name aid} [array get myauthor] {
 	    state run {
-		INSERT INTO author (aid, name)
-		VALUES             (NULL, $a);
-	    }
-	    # Save id for use by the project/file persistence code.
-	    set myauthor($a) [state id]
+		INSERT INTO author ( aid,  name)
+		VALUES             ($aid, $name);
+	    }
     proc SaveCommitMessages {} {
 	::variable mycmsg
-	foreach t [lsort -dict [array names mycmsg]] {
+	foreach {text cid} [array get mycmsg] {
 	    state run {
-		INSERT INTO cmessage (cid, text)
-		VALUES             (NULL, $t);
+		INSERT INTO cmessage ( cid,  text)
+		VALUES               ($cid, $text);
-	    # Save id for use by the project/file persistence code.
-	    set mycmsg($t) [state id]
+	}
+	return
+    }
+    proc SaveMeta {} {
+	::variable mymeta
+	foreach {key mid} [array get mymeta] {
+	    struct::list assign $key pid bid aid cid
+	    if {$bid eq ""} {
+		# Trunk. Encoded as NULL.
+		state run {
+		    INSERT INTO meta ( mid,  pid,  bid,  aid,  cid)
+		    VALUES           ($mid, $pid, NULL, $aid, $cid);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		state run {
+		    INSERT INTO meta ( mid,  pid,  bid,  aid,  cid)
+		    VALUES           ($mid, $pid, $bid, $aid, $cid);
+		}
+	    }