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File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_file.tcl part of check-in [40eaf58ec7] - Extended rcs parser with another callback run after the processing of the revision tree completed, before starting on description and delta texts. Updated file class to intercept the callback. by aku on 2007-10-12 07:20:47. [view]


File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_file.tcl part of check-in [cb70cf4ad6] - The basic work of setting up and linking revisions, tags, and branches is complete. by aku on 2007-10-13 05:39:00. [view]

@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@
 package require snit                                ; # OO system.
 package require struct::set                         ; # Set operations.
 package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev  ; # CVS per file revisions.
 package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::sym  ; # CVS per file symbols.
+package require vc::tools::trouble                  ; # Error reporting.
+package require vc::tools::misc                     ; # Text formatting
 # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
@@ -98,9 +100,9 @@
 	# We do nothing at the boundary of admin and revision data
     method def {revnr date author state next branches} {
-	$self LookForUnlabeledBranches $branches
+	$self RecordBranchCommits $branches
 	$myproject author $author
 	if {[info exists myrev($revnr)]} {
 	    trouble fatal "File $mypath contains duplicate definitions for revision $revnr."
@@ -113,8 +115,18 @@
     method defdone {} {
+	# This is all done after the revision tree has been extracted
+	# from the file, before the commit mesages and delta texts are
+	# processed.
+	ProcessPrimaryDependencies
+	ProcessBranchDependencies
+	SortBranches
+	ProcessTagDependencies
+	DetermineTheRootRevision
+	return
     method setdesc {d} {# ignore}
@@ -147,9 +159,9 @@
 	$rev setcommitmsg $cm
 	$rev settext  $deltarange
 	if {![rev istrunkrevnr $revnr]} {
-	    $rev setbranch [[$self Rev2Branch $revnr] name]
+	    $rev setbranchname [[$self Rev2Branch $revnr] name]
 	# If this is revision 1.1, we have to determine whether the
 	# file seems to have been created through 'cvs add' instead of
@@ -175,25 +187,45 @@
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## State
-    variable mypath            {} ; # Path of rcs archive
-    variable myproject         {} ; # Project object the file belongs to.
-    variable myrev -array      {} ; # All revisions and their connections.
-    variable myrevisions       {} ; # Same as myrev, but a list, giving us the order
-    #                             ; # of revisions.
+    variable mypath            {} ; # Path of our rcs archive.
+    variable myproject         {} ; # Reference to the project object
+				    # the file belongs to.
+    variable myrev -array      {} ; # Maps revision number to the
+				    # associated revision object.
+    variable myrevisions       {} ; # Same as myrev, but a list,
+				    # giving us the order of
+				    # revisions.
     variable myhead            {} ; # Head revision (revision number)
-    variable myprincipal       {} ; # Principal branch (branch number)
-    #                             ; # Contrary to the name this is the default branch.
-    variable mydependencies    {} ; # Dictionary parent -> child, dependency recorder.
-    variable myimported        0  ; # Boolean flag. Set iff rev 1.1 of the file seemingly
-    #                             ; # was imported instead of added normally.
-    variable myroot            {} ; # Revision number of the root revision. Usually '1.1'.
-    #                             ; # Can be a different number, because of 'cvsadmin -o'.
-    variable mybranches -array {} ; # branch number   -> symbol object handling the branch
-    variable mytags     -array {} ; # revision number -> list of symbol object for the tags
-    #                             ; # associated with the revision.
-    variable mysymbols         {} ; # Set of symbol names found in this file.
+    variable myprincipal       {} ; # Principal branch (branch number).
+				    # Contrary to the name this is the
+				    # default branch.
+    variable mydependencies    {} ; # Dictionary parent -> child,
+				    # records primary dependencies.
+    variable myimported        0  ; # Boolean flag. Set if and only if
+				    # rev 1.1 of the file seemingly
+				    # was imported instead of added
+				    # normally.
+    variable myroot            {} ; # Reference to the revision object
+				    # holding the root revision.  Its
+				    # number usually is '1.1'. Can be
+				    # a different number, because of
+				    # gaps created via 'cvsadmin -o'.
+    variable mybranches -array {} ; # Maps branch number to the symbol
+				    # object handling the branch.
+    variable mytags     -array {} ; # Maps revision number to the list
+				    # of symbol objects for the tags
+				    # associated with the revision.
+    variable mysymbols         {} ; # Set of the symbol names found in
+				    # this file.
+    variable mybranchcnt 0 ; # Counter for branches, to record their
+			     # order of definition. This also defines
+			     # their order of creation, which is the
+			     # reverse of definition.  I.e. a smaller
+			     # number means 'Defined earlier', means
+			     # 'Created later'.
     ### TODO ###
     ### File flag - executable,
     ### RCS mode info (kb, kkb, ...)
@@ -200,16 +232,21 @@
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## Internal methods
-    method LookForUnlabeledBranches {branches} {
+    method RecordBranchCommits {branches} {
 	foreach branchrevnr $branches {
 	    if {[catch {
 		set branch [$self Rev2Branch $branchrevnr]
 	    }]} {
 		set branch [$self AddUnlabeledBranch [rev 2branchnr $branchrevnr]]
-	    # TODO $branch child $branchrevnr - when add-unlabeled has sensible return value
+	    # Record the commit, just as revision number for
+	    # now. ProcesBranchDependencies will extend that ito a
+	    # proper object reference.
+	    $branch setchildrevnr $branchrevnr
@@ -230,8 +267,9 @@
 	    log write 1 file "Cannot have second name '$name', ignoring it"
 	set branch [sym %AUTO% branch $branchnr [$myproject getsymbol $name]]
+	$branch setposition [incr mybranchcnt]
 	set mybranches($branchnr) $branch
 	return $branch
@@ -272,8 +310,99 @@
+    proc ProcessPrimaryDependencies {} {
+	upvar 1 mydependencies mydependencies myrev myrev
+	foreach {parentrevnr childrevnr} $mydependencies {
+	    set parent $myrev($parentrevnr)
+	    set child  $myrev($childrevnr)
+	    $parent setchild $child
+	    $child setparent $parent
+	}
+	return
+    }
+    proc ProcessBranchDependencies {} {
+	upvar 1 mybranches mybranches myrev myrev
+	foreach {branchnr branch} [array get mybranches] {
+	    set revnr [$branch parentrevnr]
+	    if {![info exists myrev($revnr)]} {
+		log write 1 file "In '$mypath': The branch '[$branch name]' references"
+		log write 1 file "the bogus revision '$revnr' and will be ignored."
+		$branch destroy
+		unset mybranches($branchnr)
+	    } else {
+		set rev $myrev($revnr)
+		$rev addbranch $branch
+		# If revisions were committed on the branch we store a
+		# reference to the branch there, and further declare
+		# the first child's parent to be branch's parent, and
+		# list this child in the parent revision.
+		if {[$branch haschild]} {
+		    set childrevnr [$branch childrevnr]
+		    set child $myrev($childrevnr)
+		    $child setparentbranch $branch
+		    $child setparent       $rev
+		    $rev addchildonbranch $child
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	return
+    }
+    proc SortBranches {} {
+	upvar 1 myrev myrev
+	foreach {revnr rev} [array get myrev] {
+	    $rev sortbranches
+	}
+	return
+    }
+    proc ProcessTagDependencies {} {
+	upvar 1 mytags mytags myrev myrev
+	foreach {revnr taglist} [array get mytags] {
+	    if {![info exists myrev($revnr)]} {
+		set n [llength $taglist]
+		log write 1 file "In '$mypath': The following [nsp $n tag] reference"
+		log write 1 file "the bogus revision '$revnr' and will be ignored."
+		foreach tag $taglist {
+		    log write 1 file "    [$tag name]"
+		    $tag destroy
+		}
+		unset mytags($revnr)
+	    } else {
+		set rev $myrev($revnr)
+		foreach tag $taglist { $rev addtag $tag }
+	    }
+	}
+	return
+    }
+    proc DetermineTheRootRevision {} {
+	upvar 1 myrev myrev myroot myroot
+	# The root is the one revision which has no parent. By
+	# checking all revisions we ensure that we can detect and
+	# report the case of multiple roots. Without that we could
+	# simply take one revision and follow the parent links to
+	# their root (sic!).
+	foreach {revnr rev} [array get myrev] {
+	    if {[$rev hasparent]} continue
+	    if {$myroot ne ""} { trouble internal "Multiple root revisions found" }
+	    set myroot $rev
+	}
+	return
+    }
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
     ## Configuration
@@ -288,10 +417,12 @@
 namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
     namespace export file
     namespace eval file {
 	# Import not required, already a child namespace.
-	# namespace import vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev
-	# namespace import vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::sym
+	# namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev
+	# namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::sym
+	namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
+	namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble
 # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################