Differences From:
part of check-in
- Fix the wiki editor so that it can handle wiki page names that
include spaces.
drh on
2007-10-10 15:21:53.
part of check-in
- Many changes and bug fixes in the wiki processing. Moving toward
a workable wiki system. The "Home" menu option now takes you to
the wiki page whose name is the same as the Project Name. There
is a "wcontent" page, but no link to it yet. Many other changes.
drh on
2007-10-10 21:15:17.
@@ -71,8 +71,35 @@
return 0;
+** WEBPAGE: home
+** WEBPAGE: index
+** WEBPAGE: not_found
+void home_page(void){
+ char *zPageName = db_get("project-name",0);
+ if( zPageName ){
+ login_check_credentials();
+ g.zExtra = zPageName;
+ g.okRdWiki = 1;
+ g.okApndWiki = 0;
+ g.okWrWiki = 0;
+ g.okHistory = 0;
+ wiki_page();
+ return;
+ }
+ style_header("Home");
+ @ <p>This is a stub home-page for the project.
+ @ To fill in this page, first go to
+ @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/setup_config">setup/config</a>
+ @ and establish a "Project Name". Then create a
+ @ wiki page with that name. The content of that wiki page
+ @ will be displayed in place of this message.
+ style_footer();
** WEBPAGE: wiki
** URL: /wiki/PAGENAME
void wiki_page(void){
@@ -79,8 +106,9 @@
char *zTag;
int rid;
Blob wiki;
Manifest m;
+ int seenHr = 0;
char *zPageName;
char *zHtmlPageName;
char *zBody = mprintf("%s","<i>Empty Page</i>");
@@ -105,18 +133,36 @@
if( m.type==CFTYPE_WIKI ){
zBody = m.zWiki;
+ if( (rid && g.okWrWiki) || (!rid && g.okNewWiki) ){
+ style_submenu_element("Edit", "Edit Wiki Page",
+ mprintf("%s/wikiedit/%s", g.zTop, g.zExtra));
+ }
+ if( g.okHistory ){
+ style_submenu_element("History", "History",
+ mprintf("%s/whistory/%s", g.zTop, g.zExtra));
+ }
zHtmlPageName = mprintf("%h", zPageName);
blob_init(&wiki, zBody, -1);
wiki_convert(&wiki, 0);
+#if 0
if( (rid && g.okWrWiki) || (!rid && g.okNewWiki) ){
@ <hr>
@ [<a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/wikiedit/%s(g.zExtra)">Edit</a>]
+ seenHr = 1;
+ }
+ if( g.okHistory ){
+ if( !seenHr ){
+ @ <hr>
+ seenHr = 1;
+ }
+ @ [<a href="%s(g.zBaseUrl)/whistory/%s(g.zExtra)">History</a>]
@@ -225,8 +271,59 @@
@ </form>
+** WEBPAGE: whistory
+** Show the complete change history for a single wiki page. The name
+** of the wiki is in g.zExtra
+void whistory_page(void){
+ Stmt q;
+ char *zTitle;
+ char *zSQL;
+ login_check_credentials();
+ if( !g.okHistory ){ login_needed(); return; }
+ zTitle = mprintf("History Of %h", g.zExtra);
+ style_header(zTitle);
+ free(zTitle);
+ zSQL = mprintf("%s AND event.objid IN "
+ " (SELECT rid FROM tagxref WHERE tagid="
+ "(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='wiki-%q'))"
+ "ORDER BY mtime DESC",
+ timeline_query_for_www(), g.zExtra);
+ db_prepare(&q, zSQL);
+ free(zSQL);
+ www_print_timeline(&q, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ db_finalize(&q);
+ style_footer();
+** WEBPAGE: wcontent
+** List all available wiki pages with date created and last modified.
+void wcontent_page(void){
+ Stmt q;
+ login_check_credentials();
+ if( !g.okRdWiki ){ login_needed(); return; }
+ style_header("Available Wiki Pages");
+ @ <ul>
+ db_prepare(&q,
+ "SELECT substr(tagname, 6, 1000) FROM tag WHERE tagname GLOB 'wiki-*'"
+ " ORDER BY lower(tagname)"
+ );
+ while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
+ const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
+ @ <li><a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/wiki/%t(zName)">%h(zName)</a></li>
+ }
+ db_finalize(&q);
+ style_footer();
** WEBPAGE: ambiguous