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File src/db.c part of check-in [396cc2a4eb] - When errors occur during CGI, make sure the error is returned in a correct CGI reply. by drh on 2007-07-30 13:34:35. [view]


File src/db.c part of check-in [e3c529c2f0] - Merge in clone and sync changes. Fix a bug in undelta. by anonymous on 2007-07-30 16:31:11. Also file src/db.c part of check-in [3a25b68390] - Only request the password one time on a push or pull. by drh on 2007-07-30 16:35:16. [view]

@@ -539,21 +539,24 @@
     db_err("pwd too big: max %d", sizeof(zPwd)-20);
   n = strlen(zPwd);
   while( n>0 ){
-    if( access(zPwd, W_OK) ) return 0;
+    if( access(zPwd, W_OK) ) break;
     strcpy(&zPwd[n], "/_FOSSIL_");
     if( isValidLocalDb(zPwd) ){
+      /* Found a valid _FOSSIL_ file */
       zPwd[n] = 0;
       g.zLocalRoot = mprintf("%s/", zPwd);
-      break;
+      return 1;
     while( n>0 && zPwd[n]!='/' ){ n--; }
     while( n>0 && zPwd[n-1]=='/' ){ n--; }
     zPwd[n] = 0;
-  return n>0;
+  /* A _FOSSIL_ file could not be found */
+  return 0;
 ** Open the repository database given by zDbName.  If zDbName==NULL then
@@ -774,8 +777,39 @@
 void db_lset_int(const char *zName, int value){
   db_multi_exec("REPLACE INTO vvar(name,value) VALUES(%Q,%d)", zName, value);
+int db_row_to_table(const char *zFormat, ...){
+  Stmt q;
+  va_list ap;
+  int rc;
+  va_start(ap, zFormat);
+  rc = db_vprepare(&q, zFormat, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  @ <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+  if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
+    int ii;
+    for(ii=0; ii<sqlite3_column_count(q.pStmt); ii++){
+      char *zCol = htmlize(sqlite3_column_name(q.pStmt, ii), -1);
+      char *zVal = htmlize(sqlite3_column_text(q.pStmt, ii), -1);
+      @ <tr><td align=right>%s(zCol):<td width=10><td>%s(zVal)
+      free(zVal);
+      free(zCol);
+    }
+  }
+  @ </table>
+  return db_finalize(&q);
 ** COMMAND: open