Differences From:
part of check-in
- Begin adding setup screens for ticket configuration.
drh on
2007-10-03 02:33:31.
part of check-in
- Test commands for importing and exporting ticket configurations.
drh on
2007-10-03 12:20:00.
@@ -45,33 +45,88 @@
setup_menu_entry("Save", "tktsetup_save",
"Save the current ticket configuration as an artifact");
setup_menu_entry("Fields", "tktsetup_fields",
"View or edit the fields allowed in tickets");
- setup_menu_entry("New", "tktsetup_newtemplate",
+ setup_menu_entry("New", "tktsetup_template?type=new",
"View or edit the template page used for creating a new ticket");
- setup_menu_entry("View", "tktsetup_viewtemplate",
+ setup_menu_entry("View", "tktsetup_template?type=view",
"View or edit the template page used for viewing a ticket");
- setup_menu_entry("Edit", "tktsetup_edittemplate",
+ setup_menu_entry("Edit", "tktsetup_template?type=edit",
"View or edit the template page used for editing a ticket");
@ </dl>
+** Load the ticket configuration in the artifact with rid.
+** If an error occurs, return 1 and leave an error message.
+static int load_config(int rid, Blob *pErr){
+ Blob content;
+ int rc;
+ if( content_get(rid, &content)==0 ){
+ blob_appendf(pErr, "no such artifact: %d", rid);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ rc = ticket_config_parse(&content, 0, pErr);
+ blob_reset(&content);
+ return rc;
** WEBPAGE: /tktsetup_load
void tktsetup_load_page(void){
int loadrid;
- int loaddflt;
+ Blob err;
+ Stmt s;
if( !g.okSetup ){
- loadrid = atoi(PD("id","0"));
- loaddflt = P("dflt")!=0;
- if( loaddflt ){
+ if( P("dflt")!=0 ){
+ loadrid = atoi(PD("id","0"));
+ blob_zero(&err);
+ if( loadrid ){
+ if( load_config(loadrid, &err) ){
+ style_header("Configuration Error");
+ @ <p>The following error occurred while trying to load
+ @ the configuration in artifact #%d(loadrid):</p>
+ @ <blockquote><b>%h(blob_str(&err))</b></blockquote>
+ @ <p>Return to the <a href="tktsetup">ticket setup menu</a>.</p>
+ style_footer();
+ }else{
+ cgi_redirect("tktsetup");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ style_header("Load Configuration");
+ @ <p>Select one of the following ticket configurations to load:</p>
+ @ <ul>
+ @ <li><p>[<a href="tktsetup_load?dflt=1">default</a>]
+ @ The default built-in ticket configuration.</p></li>
+ db_prepare(&s,
+ "SELECT blob.uuid, tagxref.rid, datetime(tagxref.mtime, 'localtime')"
+ " FROM tagxref, blob"
+ " WHERE tagxref.tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag "
+ "WHERE tagname='ticket_configuration')"
+ " AND blob.rid=tagxref.rid"
+ " ORDER BY tagxref.mtime DESC"
+ );
+ while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){
+ const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&s, 0);
+ int rid = db_column_int(&s, 1);
+ const char *zWhen = db_column_text(&s, 2);
+ @ <li><p>[<a href="tktsetup_load?id=%d(rid)">%s(zUuid)</a>].
+ @ Configuration created on %s(zWhen).</p></li>
+ }
+ db_finalize(&s);
+ @ <li><p>[<a href="tktsetup">Cancel</a>]. Return to the main
+ @ ticket configuration setup menu.</p></li>
+ @ </ul>
+ style_footer();