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Differences From:

File ideas.txt part of check-in [134e2aeccc] - Combine the "config" and "setting" commands into a single "settings" command. by drh on 2007-09-28 20:08:32. [view]


File ideas.txt part of check-in [d8f27c5afd] - Notes on how to proceed with ticket integration added to ideas.txt. by drh on 2007-10-02 15:22:13. [view]

@@ -43,16 +43,44 @@
    tktrid(rid, tkid, mtime);  index(tkid, mtime);
    ticket(tkid, tkuuid, title, com, status, ...);
-   tktfield(name, type, width, height, default, valuelist);
    tktxref(tkid, mid); index(tkid); index(mid);
 Tktformat in the config table.
    * Three pages:  creation, display, and edit
+   * Separate global and local versions of each page.  Local overwrites
+     global if it exists.
    * HTML
    * [[field]] to substitute the appropriate form or display element
+Ticket Configuraiton File:
+   * Format:
+      ticket-configuration
+      field <fieldname> <type> <param> ...
+      template <type> <delimiter>
+      <text>
+   * Each repository selects a single ticket config for its own use.
+   * Rescan all tickets following any config change
+   * Use the ticket-configuration tag must be on the file
+   * Configuration file parser
+       + tkt-new-template
+       + tkt-view-template
+       + tkt-edit-template
+   * Ticket control file parser
+   * Transfer tkt control info to ticket table
+   * Setup pages for selecting and editing ticket configuration
+   * Ticket display
+   * New ticket creation display
+   * Ticket change screen
+   * Ticket query screens
 Change to wiki: