Check-in [fa1c7d598f]
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SHA1 Hash:fa1c7d598f21ac665bd739bb7fd88df02a67ece0
Date: 2008-09-23 20:53:03
User: drh
Comment:Fix a bug in the mime-type decoder for the /doc method.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/doc.c from [6b0c93f6b9] to [2b833a11d7].

@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@
     { "gz",         2, "application/x-gzip"                },
     { "hdf",        3, "application/x-hdf"                 },
     { "hh",         2, "text/plain"                        },
     { "hqx",        3, "application/mac-binhex40"          },
     { "h",          1, "text/plain"                        },
-    { "html",       4, "text/html"                         },
     { "htm",        3, "text/html"                         },
+    { "html",       4, "text/html"                         },
     { "ice",        3, "x-conference/x-cooltalk"           },
     { "ief",        3, "image/ief"                         },
     { "iges",       4, "model/iges"                        },
     { "igs",        3, "model/iges"                        },
     { "ips",        3, "application/x-ipscript"            },