Check-in [f6f5c902e6]
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SHA1 Hash:f6f5c902e60fdbf223c96ef7424d1fff548941d3
Date: 2007-09-26 07:06:45
User: aku
Comment:Bugfix for 3852590ce6. Make the use of cache files in the rcs parser actually dependent on the user option.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified tools/lib/rcsparser.tcl from [166f9426d0] to [f2a4e1c864].

@@ -59,25 +59,31 @@
 proc ::vc::rcs::parser::process {path} {
-    set cache [Cache $path]
+    variable cache
+    if {!$cache} {
+	return [Process $path]
+    }
+    set cachefile [Cache $path]
     if {
-	[file exists $cache] &&
-	([file mtime $cache] > [file mtime $path])
+	[file exists $cachefile] &&
+	([file mtime $cachefile] > [file mtime $path])
     } {
 	# Use preparsed data if not invalidated by changes to the
 	# archive they are derived from.
 	write 4 rcs {Load preparsed data block}
-	return [fileutil::cat -encoding binary $cache]
+	return [fileutil::cat -encoding binary $cachefile]
     set res [Process $path]
     # Save parse result for quick pickup by future runs.
-    fileutil::writeFile $cache $res
+    fileutil::writeFile $cachefile $res
     return $res
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------