Check-in [f1b55da0ac]
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SHA1 Hash:f1b55da0ac3d3c33077b2586585a920663b33b91
Date: 2007-11-16 03:17:35
User: drh
Comment:Bug fixes in the Myers diff algorithm.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Modified src/diff.c from [cb5702628e] to [09050dfe39].

@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
   /* Count the number of lines.  Allocate space to hold
   ** the returned array.
   for(i=0, nLine=1; z[i]; i++){
-    if( z[i]=='\n' ) nLine++;
+    if( z[i]=='\n' && z[i+1]!=0 ) nLine++;
   a = malloc( nLine*sizeof(a[0]) );
   if( a==0 ) fossil_panic("out of memory");
   /* Fill in the array */
@@ -183,19 +183,21 @@
   int k, q;        /* Diagonal number and distinct from (0,0) */
   int K, D;        /* The diagonal and d for the final solution */
   int *R;          /* Result vector */
   int r;           /* Loop variables */
   int go = 1;      /* Outer loop control */
+  int MAX;         /* Largest of X and Y */
   /* Break the two files being diffed into individual lines.
   ** Compute hashes on each line for fast comparison.
   A = break_into_lines(blob_str(pA_Blob), &X);
   B = break_into_lines(blob_str(pB_Blob), &Y);
   szM = 0;
-  for(d=0; go; d++){
+  MAX = X>Y ? X : Y;
+  for(d=0; go && d<=MAX; d++){
     if( szM<d+1 ){
       szM += szM + 10;
       M = realloc(M, sizeof(M[0])*szM);
       if( M==0 ){
         fossil_panic("out of memory");
@@ -216,82 +218,105 @@
         q = M[d-1][i-1];
       x = (k + q + 1)/2;
       y = x - k;
-      while( x<X && y<Y && same_dline(&A[x],&B[y]) ){ x++; y++; }
+      if( x<0 || x>X || y<0 || y>Y ){
+        x = y = 0;
+      }else{
+        while( x<X && y<Y && same_dline(&A[x],&B[y]) ){ x++; y++; }
+      }
       M[d][i] = x + y;
+      /* printf("M[%d][%i] = %d  k=%d (%d,%d)\n", d, i, x+y, k, x, y); */
       if( x==X && y==Y ){
         go = 0;
-  /* Reuse M[] as follows:
-  **
-  **     M[d][1] = 1 if a line is inserted or 1 if a line is deleted.
-  **     M[d][0] = number of lines copied at this step.
-  **
-  */
-  D = d - 1;
-  K = X - Y;
-  for(d=D, i=(K+D)/2; d>0; d--){
-    if( i==d || M[d-1][i-1] > M[d-1][i] ){
-      M[d][0] = M[d][i] - M[d-1][i-1] - 1;
-      M[d][1] = 0;
-      i--;
-    }else{
-      M[d][0] = M[d][i] - M[d-1][i] - 1;
-      M[d][1] = 1;
+  if( d>MAX ){
+    R = malloc( sizeof(R[0])*6 );
+    R[0] = 0;
+    R[1] = X;
+    R[2] = Y;
+    R[3] = 0;
+    R[4] = 0;
+    R[5] = 0;
+  }else{
+    /* Reuse M[] as follows:
+    **
+    **     M[d][1] = 1 if a line is inserted or 0 if a line is deleted.
+    **     M[d][0] = number of lines copied after the ins or del above.
+    **
+    */
+    D = d - 1;
+    K = X - Y;
+    for(d=D, i=(K+D)/2; d>0; d--){
+      /* printf("d=%d i=%d\n", d, i); */
+      if( i==d || (i>0 && M[d-1][i-1] > M[d-1][i]) ){
+        M[d][0] = M[d][i] - M[d-1][i-1] - 1;
+        M[d][1] = 0;
+        i--;
+      }else{
+        M[d][0] = M[d][i] - M[d-1][i] - 1;
+        M[d][1] = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    /*
+    printf("---------------\nM[0][0] = %5d\n", M[0][0]);
+    for(d=1; d<=D; d++){
+      printf("M[%d][0] = %5d    M[%d][1] = %d\n",d,M[d][0],d,M[d][1]);
-  }
-  /* Allocate the output vector
-  */
-  R = malloc( sizeof(R[0])*(D+2)*3 );
-  if( R==0 ){
-    fossil_fatal("out of memory");
-  }
-  /* Populate the output vector
-  */
-  d = r = 0;
-  while( d<=D ){
-    int n;
-    R[r++] = M[d++][0]/2;   /* COPY */
-    if( d>D ){
-      R[r++] = 0;
-      R[r++] = 0;
-      break;
+    */
+    /* Allocate the output vector
+    */
+    R = malloc( sizeof(R[0])*(D+2)*3 );
+    if( R==0 ){
+      fossil_fatal("out of memory");
-    if( M[d][1]==0 ){
+    /* Populate the output vector
+    */
+    d = r = 0;
+    while( d<=D ){
+      int n;
+      R[r++] = M[d++][0]/2;   /* COPY */
+      if( d>D ){
+        R[r++] = 0;
+        R[r++] = 0;
+        break;
+      }
+      if( M[d][1]==0 ){
+        n = 1;
+        while( M[d][0]==0 && d<D && M[d+1][1]==0 ){
+          d++;
+          n++;
+        }
+        R[r++] = n;           /* DELETE */
+        if( d==D || M[d][0]>0 ){
+          R[r++] = 0;         /* INSERT */
+          continue;
+        }
+        d++;
+      }else{
+        R[r++] = 0;           /* DELETE */
+      }
+      assert( M[d][1]==1 );
       n = 1;
-      while( M[d][0]==0 && d<D && M[d+1][1]==0 ){
+      while( M[d][0]==0 && d<D && M[d+1][1]==1 ){
-      R[r++] = n;           /* DELETE */
-      if( d==D || M[d][0]>0 ){
-        R[r++] = 0;         /* INSERT */
-        continue;
-      }
-      d++;
-    }else{
-      R[r++] = 0;           /* DELETE */
+      R[r++] = n;            /* INSERT */
-    assert( M[d][1]==1 );
-    n = 1;
-    while( M[d][0]==0 && d<D && M[d+1][1]==1 ){
-      d++;
-      n++;
-    }
-    R[r++] = n;            /* INSERT */
-  }
-  R[r++] = 0;
-  R[r++] = 0;
-  R[r++] = 0;
+    R[r++] = 0;
+    R[r++] = 0;
+    R[r++] = 0;
+  }
   /* Free the Myers matrix */
   for(d=0; d<=D; d++){
@@ -307,13 +332,14 @@
     int na, nb;   /* Number of lines shown from A and B */
     int i, j;     /* Loop counters */
     int m;        /* Number of lines to output */
     int skip;     /* Number of lines to skip */
-    for(r=0; R[r+3]; r += 3*nr){
+    for(r=0; R[r+1] || R[r+2] || R[r+3]; r += 3*nr){
       /* Figure out how many triples to show in a single block */
       for(nr=1; R[r+nr*3]>0 && R[r+nr*3]<nContext*2; nr++){}
+      /* printf("r=%d nr=%d\n", r, nr); */
       /* For the current block comprising nr triples, figure out
       ** how many lines of A and B are to be displayed
       if( R[r]>nContext ){
@@ -325,16 +351,16 @@
       for(i=0; i<nr; i++){
         na += R[r+i*3+1];
         nb += R[r+i*3+2];
-      if( R[r+i*3]>nContext ){
+      if( R[r+nr*3]>nContext ){
         na += nContext;
         nb += nContext;
-        na += R[r+i*3];
-        nb += R[r+i*3];
+        na += R[r+nr*3];
+        nb += R[r+nr*3];
       for(i=1; i<nr; i++){
         na += R[r+i*3];
         nb += R[r+i*3];