Check-in [ebb94f75cb]
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SHA1 Hash:ebb94f75cb229fddf31e3eb8d81b9cf056593b2e
Date: 2007-09-17 01:41:58
User: aku
Comment:Semantics of the progress display extended to allow an empty maximum to signal use of an infinite (open-ended) display.
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Modified tools/lib/log.tcl from [a68dbe32df] to [edfb9cfb1e].

@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
 # Feedback generation.
 #	vc::tools::log::write    verbosity system text  - Write message to the log.
 #	vc::tools::log::progress verbosity system n max - Drive a progress display.
+#       Note: max empty => infinite progress display, otherwise a finite display.
 # Administrative operations.
 #	vc::tools::log::verbosity level  - Set the verbosity level of the application.
 #	vc::tools::log::verbosity?       - Query the verbosity level of the application.
@@ -122,11 +124,15 @@
 # Progress handler. Uses \r to return to the beginning of the current
 # line without advancing.
 proc ::vc::tools::log::OUT/progress {system n max} {
-    puts -nonewline "$system [format %[string length $max]s $n]/$max\r"
+    if {$max eq {}} {
+	puts -nonewline "$system $n\r"
+    } else {
+	puts -nonewline "$system [format %[string length $max]s $n]/$max\r"
+    }
     flush stdout
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------