Check-in [e94b52b6f2]
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SHA1 Hash:e94b52b6f2fd7a5ba59708d7c5dd49325f69e0e8
Date: 2007-10-23 04:36:31
User: aku
Comment:Restructured the code handling NTBD in ExcludeBranch a bit to prevent the asserts in GraftNTDB2Trunk to bail out.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_file.tcl from [78de4a9477] to [f06eb21d1d].

@@ -853,20 +853,21 @@
 	    # truly on a branch and have to be excluded. The following
 	    # loop determines if there are such revisions.
 	    upvar 1 $nv ntdbroot
 	    set ntdbroot $root
-	    set rev [$root child]
+	    $root cutfromparentbranch
+	    set rev $root
 	    while {$rev ne ""} {
 		$rev removeallbranches
 		# See note [x].
 		if {[$rev isondefaultbranch]} {
 		    set rev [$rev child]
 		} else {
-		    set rev ""
+		    break
 	    # rev now contains the first non-NTDB revision after the
 	    # NTDB, or is empty if there is no such. If we have some