Check-in [e0232ce1a0]
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SHA1 Hash:e0232ce1a0317187b91df415b5dcd51119680f45
Date: 2007-09-24 21:05:45
User: mjanssen
Comment:Use tcl_platform to determine username, this is platform independent
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Modified tools/fossil_chat.tcl from [5915ef631b] to [8a1ca9df00].

@@ -79,16 +79,16 @@
   catch {puts $SOCKET noop; flush $SOCKET}
 # Connect to the server
 proc connect {} {
-  global SOCKET env
+  global SOCKET tcl_platform
   catch {close $SOCKET}
   if {[catch {
     set SOCKET [socket $::SERVERHOST $::SERVERPORT]
     fconfigure $SOCKET -translation binary -blocking 0
-    puts $SOCKET [list login $env(USER) fact,fuzz]
+    puts $SOCKET [list login $tcl_platform(user) fact,fuzz]
     flush $SOCKET
     fileevent $SOCKET readable handle_input
   } errmsg]} {
     if {[tk_messageBox -icon error -type yesno -parent . -message \