Check-in [dfb68976be]
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SHA1 Hash:dfb68976be2232e5d3f202e041240e165afb978b
Date: 2008-05-17 18:19:11
User: drh
Comment:Add the "ui" command to automatically launch a web browser after starting the HTTP server. The web browser choice can be configured using the "setting" command.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/cgi.c from [db2f7cb7a9] to [98e61aaa4c].

@@ -1166,11 +1166,11 @@
 ** The parent never returns from this procedure.
 ** Return 0 to each child as it runs.  If unable to establish a
 ** listening socket, return non-zero.
-int cgi_http_server(int iPort){
+int cgi_http_server(int iPort, char *zBrowser){
 #ifdef __MINGW32__
   fprintf(stderr,"server not yet available in windows version of fossil\n");
   int listener;                /* The server socket */
@@ -1198,10 +1198,13 @@
   if( bind(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&inaddr, sizeof(inaddr))<0 ){
     return 1;
+  if( zBrowser ){
+    system(zBrowser);
+  }
   while( 1 ){
     if( nchildren>MAX_PARALLEL ){
       /* Slow down if connections are arriving too fast */
       sleep( nchildren-MAX_PARALLEL );

Modified src/db.c from [3bee800775] to [d2925f32ae].

@@ -1095,33 +1095,38 @@
 **    autosync         If enabled, automatically pull prior to
 **                     commit or update and automatically push
 **                     after commit or tag or branch creation.
-**    pgp-command      Command used to clear-sign manifests at check-in.
-**                     The default is "gpg --clearsign -o ".
+**    diff-command     External command to run when performing a diff.
+**                     If undefined, the internal text diff will be used.
 **    editor           Text editor command used for check-in comments.
+**    gdiff-command    External command to run when performing a graphical
+**                     diff. If undefined, text diff will be used.
 **    localauth        If enabled, require that HTTP connections from
 **            be authenticated by password.  If
 **                     false, all HTTP requests from localhost have
 **                     unrestricted access to the repository.
 **    omitsign         When enabled, fossil will not attempt to sign any
 **                     commit with gpg. All commits will be unsigned.
+**    pgp-command      Command used to clear-sign manifests at check-in.
+**                     The default is "gpg --clearsign -o ".
 **    proxy            URL of the HTTP proxy.  If undefined or "off" then
 **                     the "http_proxy" environment variable is consulted.
 **                     If the http_proxy environment variable is undefined
 **                     then a direct HTTP connection is used.
-**    diff-command     External command to run when performing a diff.
-**                     If undefined, the internal text diff will be used.
-**    gdiff-command    External command to run when performing a graphical
-**                     diff. If undefined, text diff will be used.
+**    web-browser      A shell command used to launch your preferred
+**                     web browser when given a URL as an argument.
+**                     Defaults to "start" on windows, "open" on Mac,
+**                     and "firefox" on Unix.
 void setting_cmd(void){
   static const char *azName[] = {
@@ -1129,10 +1134,11 @@
+    "web-browser",
   int i;
   int globalFlag = find_option("global","g",0)!=0;
   int unsetFlag = g.argv[1][0]=='u';

Modified src/main.c from [bf0146efdb] to [7b16a4ea5c].

@@ -650,22 +650,29 @@
 ** COMMAND: server
+** COMMAND: ui
 ** Usage: %fossil server ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
+**    Or: %fossil ui ?-P|--port TCPPORT? ?REPOSITORY?
 ** Open a socket and begin listening and responding to HTTP requests on
 ** TCP port 8080, or on any other TCP port defined by the -P or
 ** --port option.  The optional argument is the name of the repository.
 ** The repository argument may be omitted if the working directory is
 ** within an open checkout.
+** The "ui" command automatically starts a web browser after initializing
+** the web server.
 void cmd_webserver(void){
   int iPort;
   const char *zPort;
+  char *zBrowser;
+  char *zBrowserCmd = 0;
   zPort = find_option("port", "P", 1);
   if( zPort ){
     iPort = atoi(zPort);
@@ -676,11 +683,19 @@
 #ifndef __MINGW32__
   /* Unix implementation */
-  if( cgi_http_server(iPort) ){
+  if( g.argv[1][0]=='u' ){
+#if !defined(__DARWIN__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+    zBrowser = db_get("web-browser", "firefox");
+    zBrowser = db_get("web-browser", "open");
+    zBrowserCmd = mprintf("%s http://localhost:%d/ &", zBrowser, iPort);
+  }
+  if( cgi_http_server(iPort, zBrowserCmd) ){
     fossil_fatal("unable to listen on TCP socket %d", iPort);
   g.httpIn = stdin;
   g.httpOut = stdout;
   if( g.fHttpTrace ){
@@ -694,8 +709,12 @@
   /* Win32 implementation */
-  win32_http_server(iPort);
+  if( g.argv[1][0]=='u' ){
+    zBrowser = db_get("web-browser", "start");
+    zBrowserCmd = mprintf("%s", zBrowser, iPort);
+  }
+  win32_http_server(iPort, zBrowserCmd);

Modified src/winhttp.c from [c6afa8f76b] to [b85fb3a4bb].

@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@
 ** Start a listening socket and process incoming HTTP requests on
 ** that socket.
-void win32_http_server(int iPort){
+void win32_http_server(int iPort, char *zBrowser){
   WSADATA wd;
   SOCKET s;
   SOCKADDR_IN addr;
   int idCnt = 0;
@@ -159,10 +159,16 @@
   if( listen(s, SOMAXCONN)==SOCKET_ERROR ){
     fossil_fatal("unable to listen");
+  printf("Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port %d\n", iPort);
+  if( zBrowser ){
+    printf("Launch webbrowser: %s\n", zBrowser);
+    system(zBrowser);
+  }
+  printf("Type Ctrl-C to stop the HTTP server\n");
     SOCKET client;
     SOCKADDR_IN client_addr;
     HttpRequest *p;
     int len = sizeof(client_addr);