Check-in [dccd27c6da]
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SHA1 Hash:dccd27c6da34c08eda2040e38c8d1226e07bec85
Date: 2009-12-14 23:18:54
Edited User: jeremy_c
Original User: Jeremy
Edited Comment:Added a global command line argument named -quiet. This will suppress some output (currently during sync) for those interfacing fossil with various development tools. It does not make eliminate all output, only the output that is meant for fancy display to the user on a console. You can now use this new flag anywhere by referencing if (!g.fQuiet) {...}
Original Comment:Added a global command line argument named -quiet. This will suppress some output (currently during sync) for those interfacing fossil with various development tools. It does not make eliminate all output, only the output that is meant for fancy display to the user on a console. You can now use this new flag anywhere by referencing if (!g.fQuiet) {...}
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/main.c from [0e2e1d04fd] to [09a4698442].

@@ -67,10 +67,11 @@
   int localOpen;          /* True if the local database is open */
   char *zLocalRoot;       /* The directory holding the  local database */
   int minPrefix;          /* Number of digits needed for a distinct UUID */
   int fSqlTrace;          /* True if -sqltrace flag is present */
   int fSqlPrint;          /* True if -sqlprint flag is present */
+  int fQuiet;             /* True if -quiet flag is present */
   int fHttpTrace;         /* Trace outbound HTTP requests */
   int fNoSync;            /* Do not do an autosync even.  --nosync */
   char *zPath;            /* Name of webpage being served */
   char *zExtra;           /* Extra path information past the webpage name */
   char *zBaseURL;         /* Full text of the URL being served */
@@ -232,10 +233,11 @@
     zCmdName = "cgi";
   }else if( argc<2 ){
     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s COMMAND ...\n", argv[0]);
+    g.fQuiet = find_option("quiet", 0, 0)!=0;
     g.fSqlTrace = find_option("sqltrace", 0, 0)!=0;
     g.fSqlPrint = find_option("sqlprint", 0, 0)!=0;
     g.fHttpTrace = find_option("httptrace", 0, 0)!=0;
     g.zLogin = find_option("user", "U", 1);
     zCmdName = argv[1];

Modified src/xfer.c from [002c451193] to [d3ef278c07].

@@ -1070,12 +1070,14 @@
       if( blob_buffer(&xfer.line)[0]=='#' ){
       xfer.nToken = blob_tokenize(&xfer.line, xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken));
-      printf("\r%d", nCardRcvd);
-      fflush(stdout);
+      if (!g.fQuiet) {
+        printf("\r%d", nCardRcvd);
+        fflush(stdout);
+      }
       /*   file UUID SIZE \n CONTENT
       **   file UUID DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT
       ** Receive a file transmitted from the server.