Check-in [d4fedbb4ad]
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SHA1 Hash:d4fedbb4ad3cb50eac684c1a09fb5bbb7904b0d8
Date: 2009-01-28 22:23:02
User: drh
Comment:A a "View" submenu option for the content viewer when the file is HTML.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/info.c from [8b65dc436f] to [3cb6b66184].

@@ -1040,10 +1040,15 @@
   @ <blockquote>
   object_description(rid, 0, &downloadName);
   style_submenu_element("Download", "Download",
           "%s/raw/%T?name=%d", g.zTop, blob_str(&downloadName), rid);
+  zMime = mimetype_from_name(blob_str(&downloadName));
+  if( zMime && strcmp(zMime, "text/html")==0 ){
+    style_submenu_element("View", "View",
+          "%s/raw?name=%d&m=text/html", g.zTop, rid);
+  }
   @ </blockquote>
   @ <hr>
   @ <blockquote>
   content_get(rid, &content);
   zMime = mimetype_from_content(&content);