Check-in [d27a905b1f]
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SHA1 Hash:d27a905b1f626dabb5dce2e757e9f7881b01ce58
Date: 2008-02-04 17:27:17
User: stephan
Comment:Added link to /timeline?u=... Added several TODO markers.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/my_page.c from [edc2899316] to [e52cc4cf42].

@@ -89,13 +89,25 @@
   char const * ucap = db_column_text( &st, 1 );
   char const * uinfo = db_column_text( &st, 2 );
   @ <h2>Welcome, %s(uname)!</h2>
   @ Your user ID is: %d(uid)<br/>
-  @ Your Fossil permissions are: [%s(ucap)]<br/>
-  @ Your additional info: [%s(uinfo)]<br/>
+  @ Your Fossil permissions are: [%s(ucap)]
+  @   <span class='achtung'>[TODO: explain these]</span><br/>
+  @ Your additional info: [%s(uinfo)]
+  @   <span class='achtung'>[TODO: make this editable]</span><br/>
+  @ <hr/>
+  @ <h2>Your artifacts:</h2>
+  @ <ul>
+  @ <li><a href='%s(g.zBaseURL)/timeline?u=%s(uname)'>Your latest commits</a>.</li>
+  @ <li>TODO: your Wiki entries</li>
+  @ <li>TODO: your tickets</li>
+  @ <li>TODO: etc. etc. etc.</li>
+  @ </ul>
   @ <hr/><h2>TODOs:</h2><ul>
   @ <li>Change "additional info" field.</li>
   @ <li>Search for changes made by you.</li>