Check-in [d1c9938025]
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SHA1 Hash:d1c993802524c5a47d2e6219f9f1380f6ccff857
Date: 2008-07-27 18:35:06
User: cle
Edited Comment:Change behavior of Fossil's tag handling.
  1. All subcommands of command tag prepends a prefix sym- infront of every tag name passed to them. Tags beginning with sym- are special in Fossil as they might serve as replacement of a UUID they are attached to.

    Further, tag list will only list all tags beginning with sym- but with that prefix removed during display as default.

    All subcommands can get passed an option --raw, that prevent the prepending of the prefix sym- in front of the tag name. tag list will report all tags without removing any prefix if called with option --raw.
  1. If a command takes a tag name that may be confused with a UUID, the command did interpret that parameter as a UUID instead as a tag name. Such tags might now be prefixed with a tag: to enforce the command to take them as tag name instead of a UUID. For example:
            fossil tag add abcde $uuid
            fossil update tag:abcde
    without the prefix tag: fossil would try to update to a UUID beginning with abcde. If no such UUID was found, fossil will complain and exit.
Original Comment:Change behavior of Fossil's tag handling.

1. All subcommands of command tag prepends a prefix "sym-" infront of every tag name passed to them. Tags beginning with "sym-" are special in Fossil as they might serve as replacement of a UUID they are attached to.

Further, "tag list" will only list all tags beginning with "sym-" but with that prefix removed during display as default.
All subcommands can get passed an option "--raw", that prevent the prepending of the prefix "sym-" in front of the tag name. "tag list" will report all tags without removeing any prefix if called with option "--raw".

2. If a command takes a tag name that may be confused with a UUID, the command did interpret that parameter as a UUID instead as a tag name. Such tags might now be prefixed with a "tag:" to enforce the command to take them as tag name instead of a UUID. For example:

fossil tag add abcde $uuid : fossil update tag:abcde
without the prefix "tag:" fossil would try to update to a UUID beginning with abcde. If no such UUID was found, fossil will complain and exit.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/name.c from [ba487d186b] to [825efda6ea].

@@ -46,27 +46,34 @@
   int sz;
   sz = blob_size(pName);
   if( sz>UUID_SIZE || sz<4 || !validate16(blob_buffer(pName), sz) ){
     Stmt q;
     Blob uuid;
+    static const char prefix[] = "tag:";
+    static const int preflen = sizeof(prefix)-1;
+    const char *zName = blob_str(pName);
+    if( strncmp(zName, prefix, preflen)==0 ){
+      zName += preflen;
+    }
       "SELECT (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=objid)"
       "  FROM tagxref JOIN event ON rid=objid"
-      " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-'||%B)"
+      " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-'||%Q)"
       "   AND tagtype>0"
       "   AND value IS NULL"
       " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",
-      pName
+      zName
     if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
       db_column_blob(&q, 0, &uuid);
     if( blob_size(&uuid)==0 ){
-      fossil_error(iErrPriority, "not a valid object name: %b", pName);
+      fossil_error(iErrPriority, "not a valid object name: %s", zName);
       return 1;
       *pName = uuid;

Modified src/tag.c from [29b50a2f4d] to [ec276e4852].

@@ -305,77 +305,109 @@
 ** COMMAND: tag
 ** Usage: %fossil tag SUBCOMMAND ...
 ** Run various subcommands to control tags and properties
-**     %fossil tag add TAGNAME UUID ?VALUE?
-**         Add a new tag or property to UUID.
-**     %fossil tag branch TAGNAME UUID ?VALUE?
+**     %fossil tag add ?--raw? TAGNAME UUID ?VALUE?
+**         Add a new tag or property to UUID. The tag will
+**         be usable instead of a UUID in commands like
+**         update and the like.
+**     %fossil tag branch ?--raw? TAGNAME UUID ?VALUE?
 **         Add a new tag or property to UUID and make that
 **         tag propagate to all direct children.
-**     %fossil tag delete TAGNAME UUID
+**     %fossil tag delete ?--raw? TAGNAME UUID
 **         Delete the tag TAGNAME from UUID
-**     %fossil tag find TAGNAME
+**     %fossil tag find ?--raw? TAGNAME
 **         List all baselines that use TAGNAME
-**     %fossil tag list ?UUID?
+**     %fossil tag list ?--raw? ?UUID?
 **         List all tags, or if UUID is supplied, list
 **         all tags and their values for UUID.
+** The option ?--raw? is to expose the internal interface
+** for tag handling. This option is not necessary for the
+** normal use.
+** If you use a tagname that might be confused with a UUID,
+** you have to explicitly disambiguate it by prefixing it
+** with "tag:". For instance:
+**   fossil update cfcfcfee
+** is not the same as:
+**   fossil update tag:cfcfcfee
+** The first will be taken as UUID and fossil will complain
+** if no such revision was found, and the second one expect
+** "cfcfcfee" to be a tag/branch name!
 void tag_cmd(void){
   int n;
+  int raw = find_option("raw","",0)!=0;
+  const char *prefix = raw ? "" : "sym-";
+  int preflen = strlen(prefix);
+  Blob tagname;
   if( g.argc<3 ){
     goto tag_cmd_usage;
   n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
   if( n==0 ){
     goto tag_cmd_usage;
+  blob_set(&tagname, prefix);
   if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"add",n)==0 ){
     char *zValue;
     if( g.argc!=5 && g.argc!=6 ){
       usage("add TAGNAME UUID ?VALUE?");
+    blob_append(&tagname, g.argv[3], strlen(g.argv[3]));
     zValue = g.argc==6 ? g.argv[5] : 0;
-    tag_add_artifact(g.argv[3], g.argv[4], zValue, 1);
+    tag_add_artifact(blob_str(&tagname), g.argv[4], zValue, 1);
   if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"branch",n)==0 ){
     char *zValue;
     if( g.argc!=5 && g.argc!=6 ){
       usage("branch TAGNAME UUID ?VALUE?");
+    blob_append(&tagname, g.argv[3], strlen(g.argv[3]));
     zValue = g.argc==6 ? g.argv[5] : 0;
-    tag_add_artifact(g.argv[3], g.argv[4], zValue, 2);
+    tag_add_artifact(blob_str(&tagname), g.argv[4], zValue, 2);
   if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"delete",n)==0 ){
     if( g.argc!=5 ){
       usage("delete TAGNAME UUID");
-    tag_add_artifact(g.argv[3], g.argv[4], 0, 0);
+    blob_append(&tagname, g.argv[3], strlen(g.argv[3]));
+    tag_add_artifact(blob_str(&tagname), g.argv[4], 0, 0);
   if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"find",n)==0 ){
     Stmt q;
     if( g.argc!=4 ){
       usage("find TAGNAME");
+    blob_append(&tagname, g.argv[3], strlen(g.argv[3]));
       "SELECT blob.uuid FROM tagxref, blob"
-      " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname=%Q)"
-      "   AND blob.rid=tagxref.rid", g.argv[3]
+      " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname=%B)"
+      "   AND blob.rid=tagxref.rid", &tagname
     while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
       printf("%s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
@@ -391,11 +423,14 @@
         "               WHERE tagid=tag.tagid"
         "                 AND tagtype>0)"
         " ORDER BY tagname"
       while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-        printf("%s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0));
+        const char *name = db_column_text(&q, 0);
+        if( raw || strncmp(name, prefix, preflen)==0 ){
+          printf("%s\n", name+preflen);
+        }
     }else if( g.argc==4 ){
       int rid = name_to_rid(g.argv[3]);
@@ -408,13 +443,17 @@
       while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
         const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
         const char *zValue = db_column_text(&q, 1);
         if( zValue ){
-          printf("%s=%s\n", zName, zValue);
+          if( raw || strncmp(zName, prefix, preflen)==0 ){
+            printf("%s=%s\n", zName+preflen, zValue);
+          }
-          printf("%s\n", zName);
+          if( raw || strncmp(zName, prefix, preflen)==0 ){
+            printf("%s\n", zName+preflen);
+          }
       usage("tag list ?UUID?");
@@ -421,10 +460,13 @@
     goto tag_cmd_usage;
+  /* Cleanup */
+  blob_reset(&tagname);
   usage("add|branch|delete|find|list ...");