Check-in [d1477108b0]
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SHA1 Hash:d1477108b03fad5ecee188b67fd70257edbc25f6
Date: 2008-05-20 14:45:51
User: stephan
Comment:added tip about being able to pass login info to clone URL
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified www/ from [d68d09590f] to [94c664abc4].

@@ -28,13 +28,15 @@
     <b>fossil clone</b> <i>URL  repository-filename</i>
     <p>The <i>URL</i> above is the http URL for the fossil repository
-    you want to clone.  You can call the new repository anything you
-    want - there are no naming restrictions.  As an example, you can
-    clone the fossil repository this way:</p>
+    you want to clone, and it may include a "user:password" part, e.g.
+    <tt></tt>. You can
+    call the new repository anything you want - there are no naming
+    restrictions.  As an example, you can clone the fossil repository
+    this way:</p>
     <b>fossil clone myclone.fossil</b>
@@ -291,5 +293,6 @@
     <p>Explore and have fun!</p>