Check-in [d0fc1ad062]
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SHA1 Hash:d0fc1ad062658a4c5048eb513168678b3e81e87f
Date: 2009-08-22 19:27:56
User: drh
Comment:Fix the "rebuild" command so that it works in an open check-out without having to specify the repository and so that it accepts the -R option.
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Modified src/rebuild.c from [485e8e6098] to [523d3c93a0].

@@ -279,11 +279,11 @@
 ** COMMAND:  rebuild
-** Usage: %fossil rebuild REPOSITORY
+** Usage: %fossil rebuild ?REPOSITORY?
 ** Reconstruct the named repository database from the core
 ** records.  Run this command after updating the fossil
 ** executable in a way that changes the database schema.
@@ -292,14 +292,20 @@
   int randomizeFlag;
   int errCnt;
   forceFlag = find_option("force","f",0)!=0;
   randomizeFlag = find_option("randomize", 0, 0)!=0;
-  if( g.argc!=3 ){
-  }
-  db_open_repository(g.argv[2]);
+  if( g.argc==3 ){
+    db_open_repository(g.argv[2]);
+  }else{
+    db_find_and_open_repository(1);
+    if( g.argc!=2 ){
+      usage("?REPOSITORY-FILENAME?");
+    }
+    db_close();
+    db_open_repository(g.zRepositoryName);
+  }
   ttyOutput = 1;
   errCnt = rebuild_db(randomizeFlag, 1);
   if( errCnt && !forceFlag ){
     printf("%d errors. Rolling back changes. Use --force to force a commit.\n",