Check-in [cf5bbd92a2]
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SHA1 Hash:cf5bbd92a2f5f0585c118b20fdb2eeb6c160581e
Date: 2008-05-14 23:01:41
User: stephan
Comment:added some help docs + TODO
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Modified src/wiki.c from [732c3121c6] to [ea1fb250d5].

@@ -612,17 +612,19 @@
 **         Sends the latest version of the WikiName wiki
 **         entry to stdout.
 **     %fossil wiki list
-**         Lists all wiki entries, one per line.
+**         Lists all wiki entries, one per line, ordered
+**         case-insentively by name.
 ** TODOs:
-**     %fossil export WikiName ?UUID? ?-f outfile?
-**     %fossil commit WikiName ?-f infile?
+**     %fossil export ?UUID? ?-f outfile[=stdout]? WikiName
+**     %fossil delete ?-m MESSAGE? WikiName (can we have a commit message for a wiki page?)
+**     %fossil commit ?-f infile[=stdin]? WikiName
+**     Commit should create a new entry if one doesn't exist.
 void wiki_cmd(void){
   int n;
   if( g.argc<3 ){