Check-in [ce08928aaa]
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SHA1 Hash:ce08928aaa684585ccb232ab3fb9801db5b61cd3
Date: 2008-02-08 21:50:31
User: drh
Comment:Fix the branch subcommand so that the branch name tags it creates begin with "sym-".
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/branch.c from [b16668e4cd] to [40033fd3ad].

@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
   /* fossil branch new name */
   if( g.argc<3 ){
-    usage("branch new ?-bgcolor COLOR BRANCH-NAME");
+    usage("branch new ?-bgcolor COLOR? BRANCH-NAME");
   zBranch = g.argv[3];
   if( zBranch==0 || zBranch[0]==0 ){
     fossil_panic("branch name cannot be empty");
@@ -84,19 +84,14 @@
   zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid);
   blob_appendf(&manifest, "P %s\n", zUuid);
   blob_appendf(&manifest, "R %b\n", &cksum1);
   if( zColor!=0 ){
-    if( strcmp("bgcolor",zBranch)>=0 ){
-      blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *%F *\n", zBranch);
-      blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
-    }else{
-      blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
-      blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *%F *\n", zBranch);
-    }
+    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
+    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
-    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *%F *\n", zBranch);
+    blob_appendf(&manifest, "T *sym-%F *\n", zBranch);
   /* Cancel any tags that propagate */
       "SELECT tagname"
@@ -169,11 +164,11 @@
 ** Usage: %fossil branch SUBCOMMAND ... ?-R|--repository FILE?
 ** Run various subcommands on the branches of the open repository or
 ** of the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.
-**    %fossil branch new ?-bgcolor COLOR BRANCH-NAME
+**    %fossil branch new ?-bgcolor COLOR? BRANCH-NAME
 **        Create a new branch BRANCH-NAME. You can optionally give
 **        a commit message and branch color.
 **    %fossil branch list