Check-in [b41127b9d8]
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SHA1 Hash:b41127b9d811b2ae6ab4102bb8c2697f60cc1af1
Date: 2007-11-25 02:54:22
User: aku
Comment:Tweaked log output of filtering pass a bit.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl from [29f48baf16] to [57ebd2c2ab].

@@ -243,12 +243,15 @@
 	    FROM branch B, symbol S
 	    WHERE B.sid = S.sid
 	    AND S.type = $tag
-	log write 4 filtersym "Changing [nsp [expr {[llength $tagstomutate]/5}] tag] into branches"
-	log write 4 filtersym "Changing [nsp [expr {[llength $branchestomutate]/7}] branch branches] into tags"
+	set nt [expr {[llength $tagstomutate]/5}]
+	set nb [expr {[llength $branchestomutate]/7}]
+	log write 4 filtersym "Changing [nsp $nt tag] into  [nsp $nt branch branches]"
+	log write 4 filtersym "Changing [nsp $nb branch branches] into  [nsp $nb tag]"
 	# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
 	log write 3 filtersym "Mutate tags to branches"