Check-in [adaa8411d9]
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SHA1 Hash:adaa8411d9f4421e1a9dc96e85abec4406e4434d
Date: 2008-04-25 22:31:11
User: stephan
Comment:initial checkin: quick hack to generate a .deb package of fossil.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Added debian/ version [f6874667dd]

@@ -1,1 +1,129 @@
+# A quick hack to generate a Debian package of fossil. i took most of this
+# from Martin Krafft's "The Debian System" book.
+DEB_REV=${1-1} # .deb package build/revision number.
+if uname -a | grep -i nexenta &>/dev/null; then
+# Assume NexentaOS/GnuSolaris:
+    DEB_PLATFORM=nexenta
+    DEB_ARCH_NAME=solaris-i386
+    DEB_ARCH_PKGDEPENDS="sunwcsl" # for -lsocket
+    DEB_PLATFORM=${DEB_PLATFORM-ubuntu-feisty}
+    DEB_ARCH_NAME=i386
+SRCDIR=$(cd ..; pwd)
+test -e ${SRCDIR}/fossil || {
+    echo "This script must be run from a BUILT copy of the source tree."
+    exit 1
+test -d ${DEBROOT} && rm -fr ${DEBROOT}
+mkdir -p ${BINDIR}
+mkdir -p ${DEBLOCALPREFIX}/share/doc/${PACKAGE_DEBNAME}
+cp ../fossil ${BINDIR}
+strip ${BINDIR}/fossil
+cd $DEBROOT || {
+    echo "Debian dest dir [$DEBROOT] not found. :("
+    exit 2
+rm -fr DEBIAN
+mkdir DEBIAN
+PACKAGE_VERSION=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
+rm -f ${DEBFILE}
+echo "Creating .deb package [${DEBFILE}]..."
+echo "Generating md5 sums..."
+find ${DEBLOCALPREFIX} -type f -exec md5sum {} \; > DEBIAN/md5sums
+true && {
+    echo "Generating Debian-specific files..."
+    cat <<EOF > ${COPYRIGHT}
+This package was created by stephan beal <>
+The original sources for fossil can be downloaded for free from:
+fossil is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+true && {
+    CHANGELOG=${DEBLOCALPREFIX}/share/doc/${PACKAGE_DEBNAME}/changelog.gz
+    cat <<EOF | gzip -c > ${CHANGELOG}
+This release has no changes over the core source distribution. It has
+simply been Debianized.
+Packaged by stephan beal <> on
+true && {
+    CONTROL=DEBIAN/control
+    echo "Generating ${CONTROL}..."
+    cat <<EOF > ${CONTROL}
+Section: devel
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: stephan beal <>
+Architecture: ${DEB_ARCH_NAME}
+Description: a powerful, flexible serialization framework for C++.
+ This package contains all files needed for development, as well as the s11nconvert tool
+ and library documentation. Note that an ODD minor version number (e.g. 1.1 or 1.3)
+ indicates a beta/development version, not intended for general client-side use,
+ whereas EVEN minor numbers (e.g. 1.2 or 1.4) indicate stable versions.
+true && {
+#    GZ_CONTROL=control.tar.gz
+#    GZ_DATA=data.tar.gz
+#    echo "Generating ${GZ_CONTROL} and ${GZ_DATA}..."
+#    rm -f ${GZ_CONTROL} ${GZ_DATA} ${DEBFILE} 2>/dev/null
+#    tar cz -C DEBIAN -f ${GZ_CONTROL} .
+#    tar czf ${GZ_DATA} --exclude='*/doxygen-*' usr
+#    echo '2.0' > debian-binary
+    #ar rcu ${DEBFILE} debian-binary ${GZ_CONTROL} ${GZ_DATA}
+    dpkg-deb -b ${DEBROOT} ${DEBFILE}
+    echo "Package file created:"
+    ls -la ${DEBFILE}
+    dpkg-deb --info ${DEBFILE}
+cd - >/dev/null
+true && {
+    echo "Cleaning up..."
+    rm -fr ${DEBROOT}
+echo "Done :)"