Check-in [a55a0a49a3]
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SHA1 Hash:a55a0a49a336d0ea3686d1609ed709fb800d08f8
Date: 2008-09-06 13:16:08
User: eric
Comment:Merge mainline into tagview branch
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | eric-tagview-rework | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[hide diffs]

Modified src/doc.c from [c2074c13ca] to [6b0c93f6b9].

@@ -32,37 +32,236 @@
 ** Guess the mime-type of a document based on its name.
 const char *mimetype_from_name(const char *zName){
   const char *z;
   int i;
+  int first, last;
+  int len;
   char zSuffix[20];
+  /* A table of mimetypes based on file suffixes.
+  ** Suffixes must be in sorted order so that we can do a binary
+  ** search to find the mime-type
+  */
   static const struct {
-    const char *zSuffix;
-    const char *zMimetype;
+    const char *zSuffix;       /* The file suffix */
+    int size;                  /* Length of the suffix */
+    const char *zMimetype;     /* The corresponding mimetype */
   } aMime[] = {
-    { "html",     "text/html"                 },
-    { "htm",      "text/html"                 },
-    { "wiki",     "application/x-fossil-wiki" },
-    { "txt",      "text/plain"                },
-    { "jpg",      "image/jpeg"                },
-    { "jpeg",     "image/jpeg"                },
-    { "gif",      "image/gif"                 },
-    { "png",      "image/png"                 },
-    { "css",      "text/css"                  },
+    { "ai",         2, "application/postscript"            },
+    { "aif",        3, "audio/x-aiff"                      },
+    { "aifc",       4, "audio/x-aiff"                      },
+    { "aiff",       4, "audio/x-aiff"                      },
+    { "arj",        3, "application/x-arj-compressed"      },
+    { "asc",        3, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "asf",        3, "video/x-ms-asf"                    },
+    { "asx",        3, "video/x-ms-asx"                    },
+    { "au",         2, "audio/ulaw"                        },
+    { "avi",        3, "video/x-msvideo"                   },
+    { "bat",        3, "application/x-msdos-program"       },
+    { "bcpio",      5, "application/x-bcpio"               },
+    { "bin",        3, "application/octet-stream"          },
+    { "ccad",       4, "application/clariscad"             },
+    { "cc",         2, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "cdf",        3, "application/x-netcdf"              },
+    { "class",      5, "application/octet-stream"          },
+    { "cod",        3, "application/vnd.rim.cod"           },
+    { "com",        3, "application/x-msdos-program"       },
+    { "cpio",       4, "application/x-cpio"                },
+    { "cpt",        3, "application/mac-compactpro"        },
+    { "csh",        3, "application/x-csh"                 },
+    { "css",        3, "text/css"                          },
+    { "c",          1, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "dcr",        3, "application/x-director"            },
+    { "deb",        3, "application/x-debian-package"      },
+    { "dir",        3, "application/x-director"            },
+    { "dl",         2, "video/dl"                          },
+    { "dms",        3, "application/octet-stream"          },
+    { "doc",        3, "application/msword"                },
+    { "drw",        3, "application/drafting"              },
+    { "dvi",        3, "application/x-dvi"                 },
+    { "dwg",        3, "application/acad"                  },
+    { "dxf",        3, "application/dxf"                   },
+    { "dxr",        3, "application/x-director"            },
+    { "eps",        3, "application/postscript"            },
+    { "etx",        3, "text/x-setext"                     },
+    { "exe",        3, "application/octet-stream"          },
+    { "ez",         2, "application/andrew-inset"          },
+    { "f90",        3, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "fli",        3, "video/fli"                         },
+    { "flv",        3, "video/flv"                         },
+    { "f",          1, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "gif",        3, "image/gif"                         },
+    { "gl",         2, "video/gl"                          },
+    { "gtar",       4, "application/x-gtar"                },
+    { "gz",         2, "application/x-gunzip"              },
+    { "gz",         2, "application/x-gzip"                },
+    { "hdf",        3, "application/x-hdf"                 },
+    { "hh",         2, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "hqx",        3, "application/mac-binhex40"          },
+    { "h",          1, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "html",       4, "text/html"                         },
+    { "htm",        3, "text/html"                         },
+    { "ice",        3, "x-conference/x-cooltalk"           },
+    { "ief",        3, "image/ief"                         },
+    { "iges",       4, "model/iges"                        },
+    { "igs",        3, "model/iges"                        },
+    { "ips",        3, "application/x-ipscript"            },
+    { "ipx",        3, "application/x-ipix"                },
+    { "jad",        3, "text/"  },
+    { "jar",        3, "application/java-archive"          },
+    { "jpeg",       4, "image/jpeg"                        },
+    { "jpe",        3, "image/jpeg"                        },
+    { "jpg",        3, "image/jpeg"                        },
+    { "js",         2, "application/x-javascript"          },
+    { "kar",        3, "audio/midi"                        },
+    { "latex",      5, "application/x-latex"               },
+    { "lha",        3, "application/octet-stream"          },
+    { "lsp",        3, "application/x-lisp"                },
+    { "lzh",        3, "application/octet-stream"          },
+    { "m3u",        3, "audio/x-mpegurl"                   },
+    { "man",        3, "application/x-troff-man"           },
+    { "me",         2, "application/x-troff-me"            },
+    { "mesh",       4, "model/mesh"                        },
+    { "mid",        3, "audio/midi"                        },
+    { "midi",       4, "audio/midi"                        },
+    { "mif",        3, "application/vnd.mif"               },
+    { "mif",        3, "application/x-mif"                 },
+    { "mime",       4, "www/mime"                          },
+    { "movie",      5, "video/x-sgi-movie"                 },
+    { "mov",        3, "video/quicktime"                   },
+    { "mp2",        3, "audio/mpeg"                        },
+    { "mp2",        3, "video/mpeg"                        },
+    { "mp3",        3, "audio/mpeg"                        },
+    { "mpeg",       4, "video/mpeg"                        },
+    { "mpe",        3, "video/mpeg"                        },
+    { "mpga",       4, "audio/mpeg"                        },
+    { "mpg",        3, "video/mpeg"                        },
+    { "ms",         2, "application/x-troff-ms"            },
+    { "msh",        3, "model/mesh"                        },
+    { "m",          1, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "nc",         2, "application/x-netcdf"              },
+    { "oda",        3, "application/oda"                   },
+    { "ogg",        3, "application/ogg"                   },
+    { "ogm",        3, "application/ogg"                   },
+    { "pbm",        3, "image/x-portable-bitmap"           },
+    { "pdb",        3, "chemical/x-pdb"                    },
+    { "pdf",        3, "application/pdf"                   },
+    { "pgm",        3, "image/x-portable-graymap"          },
+    { "pgn",        3, "application/x-chess-pgn"           },
+    { "pgp",        3, "application/pgp"                   },
+    { "pl",         2, "application/x-perl"                },
+    { "pm",         2, "application/x-perl"                },
+    { "png",        3, "image/png"                         },
+    { "pnm",        3, "image/x-portable-anymap"           },
+    { "pot",        3, "application/mspowerpoint"          },
+    { "ppm",        3, "image/x-portable-pixmap"           },
+    { "pps",        3, "application/mspowerpoint"          },
+    { "ppt",        3, "application/mspowerpoint"          },
+    { "ppz",        3, "application/mspowerpoint"          },
+    { "pre",        3, "application/x-freelance"           },
+    { "prt",        3, "application/pro_eng"               },
+    { "ps",         2, "application/postscript"            },
+    { "qt",         2, "video/quicktime"                   },
+    { "ra",         2, "audio/x-realaudio"                 },
+    { "ram",        3, "audio/x-pn-realaudio"              },
+    { "rar",        3, "application/x-rar-compressed"      },
+    { "ras",        3, "image/cmu-raster"                  },
+    { "ras",        3, "image/x-cmu-raster"                },
+    { "rgb",        3, "image/x-rgb"                       },
+    { "rm",         2, "audio/x-pn-realaudio"              },
+    { "roff",       4, "application/x-troff"               },
+    { "rpm",        3, "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin"       },
+    { "rtf",        3, "application/rtf"                   },
+    { "rtf",        3, "text/rtf"                          },
+    { "rtx",        3, "text/richtext"                     },
+    { "scm",        3, "application/x-lotusscreencam"      },
+    { "set",        3, "application/set"                   },
+    { "sgml",       4, "text/sgml"                         },
+    { "sgm",        3, "text/sgml"                         },
+    { "sh",         2, "application/x-sh"                  },
+    { "shar",       4, "application/x-shar"                },
+    { "silo",       4, "model/mesh"                        },
+    { "sit",        3, "application/x-stuffit"             },
+    { "skd",        3, "application/x-koan"                },
+    { "skm",        3, "application/x-koan"                },
+    { "skp",        3, "application/x-koan"                },
+    { "skt",        3, "application/x-koan"                },
+    { "smi",        3, "application/smil"                  },
+    { "smil",       4, "application/smil"                  },
+    { "snd",        3, "audio/basic"                       },
+    { "sol",        3, "application/solids"                },
+    { "spl",        3, "application/x-futuresplash"        },
+    { "src",        3, "application/x-wais-source"         },
+    { "step",       4, "application/STEP"                  },
+    { "stl",        3, "application/SLA"                   },
+    { "stp",        3, "application/STEP"                  },
+    { "sv4cpio",    7, "application/x-sv4cpio"             },
+    { "sv4crc",     6, "application/x-sv4crc"              },
+    { "swf",        3, "application/x-shockwave-flash"     },
+    { "t",          1, "application/x-troff"               },
+    { "tar",        3, "application/x-tar"                 },
+    { "tcl",        3, "application/x-tcl"                 },
+    { "tex",        3, "application/x-tex"                 },
+    { "texi",       4, "application/x-texinfo"             },
+    { "texinfo",    7, "application/x-texinfo"             },
+    { "tgz",        3, "application/x-tar-gz"              },
+    { "tiff",       4, "image/tiff"                        },
+    { "tif",        3, "image/tiff"                        },
+    { "tif",        3, "image/tiff"                        },
+    { "tr",         2, "application/x-troff"               },
+    { "tsi",        3, "audio/TSP-audio"                   },
+    { "tsp",        3, "application/dsptype"               },
+    { "tsv",        3, "text/tab-separated-values"         },
+    { "txt",        3, "text/plain"                        },
+    { "unv",        3, "application/i-deas"                },
+    { "ustar",      5, "application/x-ustar"               },
+    { "vcd",        3, "application/x-cdlink"              },
+    { "vda",        3, "application/vda"                   },
+    { "vivo",       4, "video/"                    },
+    { "viv",        3, "video/"                    },
+    { "vrml",       4, "model/vrml"                        },
+    { "wav",        3, "audio/x-wav"                       },
+    { "wax",        3, "audio/x-ms-wax"                    },
+    { "wiki",       4, "application/x-fossil-wiki"         },
+    { "wma",        3, "audio/x-ms-wma"                    },
+    { "wmv",        3, "video/x-ms-wmv"                    },
+    { "wmx",        3, "video/x-ms-wmx"                    },
+    { "wrl",        3, "model/vrml"                        },
+    { "wvx",        3, "video/x-ms-wvx"                    },
+    { "xbm",        3, "image/x-xbitmap"                   },
+    { "xlc",        3, "application/"          },
+    { "xll",        3, "application/"          },
+    { "xlm",        3, "application/"          },
+    { "xls",        3, "application/"          },
+    { "xlw",        3, "application/"          },
+    { "xml",        3, "text/xml"                          },
+    { "xpm",        3, "image/x-xpixmap"                   },
+    { "xwd",        3, "image/x-xwindowdump"               },
+    { "xyz",        3, "chemical/x-pdb"                    },
+    { "zip",        3, "application/zip"                   },
   z = zName;
   for(i=0; zName[i]; i++){
     if( zName[i]=='.' ) z = &zName[i+1];
-  i = strlen(z);
-  if( i<sizeof(zSuffix)-1 ){
+  len = strlen(z);
+  if( len<sizeof(zSuffix)-1 ){
     strcpy(zSuffix, z);
     for(i=0; zSuffix[i]; i++) zSuffix[i] = tolower(zSuffix[i]);
-    for(i=0; i<sizeof(aMime)/sizeof(aMime[0]); i++){
-      if( strcmp(zSuffix, aMime[i].zSuffix)==0 ){
-        return aMime[i].zMimetype;
+    first = 0;
+    last = sizeof(aMime)/sizeof(aMime[0]);
+    while( first<=last ){
+      int c;
+      i = (first+last)/2;
+      c = strcmp(zSuffix, aMime[i].zSuffix);
+      if( c==0 ) return aMime[i].zMimetype;
+      if( c<0 ){
+        last = i-1;
+      }else{
+        first = i+1;
   return "application/x-fossil-artifact";

Modified src/style.c from [0d33291611] to [89fb0defc5].

@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
 @   html "<a href='$baseurl/dir'>Files</a>"
 @ }
 @ if {[hascap o]} {
 @   html "<a href='$baseurl/leaves'>Leaves</a>"
 @   html "<a href='$baseurl/timeline'>Timeline</a>"
-@   html "<a href='$baseurl/tagview'>Tags</a>"
+@   # html "<a href='$baseurl/tagview'>Tags</a>"
 @ }
 @ if {[hascap r]} {
 @   html "<a href='$baseurl/reportlist'>Bugs</a>"
 @ }
 @ if {[hascap j]} {

Modified src/tktsetup.c from [1244b8737f] to [a85601ed8a].

@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@
 @ <tr>
 @ <td align="right">Severity:
 @ <th1>combobox severity $severity_choices 1</th1>
 @ </td>
 @ <td>How debilitating is the problem?  How badly does the problem
-@ effect the operation of the product?</td>
+@ affect the operation of the product?</td>
 @ </tr>
 @ <tr>
 @ <td align="right">EMail:
 @ <input type="text" name="private_contact" value="$<private_contact>" size="30">