Check-in [a0f1864499]
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SHA1 Hash:a0f18644994ad929a4d527382b2f47836c593a0b
Date: 2008-05-17 13:40:32
User: drh
Comment:Make Th1 variable $current_page available to the header and footer.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/style.c from [8d5949ed7f] to [ede3687f81].

@@ -82,10 +82,11 @@
   /* Generate the header up through the main menu */
   Th_Store("project_name", db_get("project-name","Unnamed Fossil Project"));
   Th_Store("title", zTitle);
   Th_Store("baseurl", g.zBaseURL);
   Th_Store("index_page", db_get("index-page","/home"));
+  Th_Store("current_page", g.zPath);
   Th_Store("manifest_version", MANIFEST_VERSION);
   Th_Store("manifest_date", MANIFEST_DATE);
   if( g.zLogin ){
     Th_Store("login", g.zLogin);