Check-in [924554d78b]
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SHA1 Hash:924554d78b4d68afc7076f3bd2d14b520f7ee1ca
Date: 2008-07-18 12:14:37
User: drh
Comment:Fix typos in the quick-start document.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified www/ from [29d30ac723] to [70e3f3be19].

@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
     <b>fossil ui </b><i> repository-filename</i>
-    <p>This creates starts webserver listening on port 8080.  You can
+    <p>This starts a webserver listening on port 8080.  You can
     specify a different port using the <b>-port</b> option on the command-line.
     After the server is running, fossil will then attempt to launch your
     web browser and make it point to this web server.  If your system
     has an unusual configuration, fossil might not be able to figure out
     how to start your web browser.  In that case, start the web browser
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
 </blockquote><h2>Checking Out A Local Tree</h2><blockquote>
     <p>To work on a project in fossil, you need to check out a local
     copy of the source tree.  Create the directory you want to be
     the root of your tree and cd into that directory.  Then
-    to this:</p>
+    do this:</p>
     <b>fossil open </b><i> repository-filename</i>