Check-in [9214c11831]
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SHA1 Hash:9214c1183140fdbfec9a57640ba1f6fa9bf7c415
Date: 2008-02-02 07:03:39
User: aku
Comment:Changeset handling, extended logging of how parent is determined. Fossil access, fixed importrev call to use correct workspace/repository. Fixed handling of output, stripping unwanted text, checking of output syntax. Extended logging. Added final 'rebuild'. NOTE: formation of the changesets/manifests is buggy, is not tracking unchanged files across changesets. Further not yet tracking when files have been removed.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_fossil.tcl from [4e12eb8650] to [ecad76ba99].

@@ -36,10 +36,13 @@
 	::file mkdir  $myworkspace
 	Do new [::file nativename $myrepository]
 	$self InWorkspace ; Do open [::file nativename $myrepository]
 	$self RestorePwd
+	log write 8 fossil {scratch repository $myrepository}
+	log write 8 fossil {scratch workspace  $myworkspace}
     # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
@@ -113,17 +116,31 @@
 	    lappend cmd -f $frid $fpath
 	    log write 2 fossil {** <[format %5d $frid]> = <$flabel>}
 	# run fossil test-command performing the import.
-	set uuid [eval $cmd]
+	log write 8 fossil {	[lreplace $cmd 3 3 @@]}
+	$self InWorkspace
+	set res [eval $cmd]
+	$self RestorePwd
+	integrity assert {
+	    [regexp {^inserted as record \d+$} $res]
+	} {Unable to process unexpected fossil output '$res'}
+	set uuid [lindex $res 3]
 	log write 2 fossil {== $uuid}
+	log write 2 fossil { }
+	log write 2 fossil { }
 	return $uuid
     method finalize {destination} {
+	Do rebuild [::file nativename $myrepository]
 	::file rename -force $myrepository $destination
 	::file delete -force $myworkspace
 	$self destroy

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_prev.tcl from [fd889684d2] to [b562462581].

@@ -447,10 +447,18 @@
     proc Getparent {sv lodname project items} {
 	upvar 1 $sv state
 	struct::list assign [Getisdefault $items] isdefault lastdefaultontrunk
+	log write 8 csets {LOD    '$lodname'}
+	log write 8 csets { def?  $isdefault}
+	log write 8 csets { last? $lastdefaultontrunk}
+	foreach k [lsort [array names state]] {
+	    log write 8 csets {    $k = $state($k)}
+	}
 	# See (a) below, we have to remember if the changeset is last
 	# on vendor branch also belonging to trunk even if we find a
 	# parent in the state. The caller will later (after import)
 	# make us the first trunk changeset in the state (See (**)).
@@ -498,13 +506,16 @@
 	# Case (c). We find the parent LOD of our LOD and take the
 	# last changeset committed to that as our parent. If that
 	# doesn't exist we have an error on our hands.
-	set lodname [[[$project getsymbol $lodname] parent] name]
-	if {[info exists state($lodname)]} {
-	    return $state($lodname)
+	set plodname [[[$project getsymbol $lodname] parent] name]
+	log write 8 csets {pLOD   '$plodname'}
+	if {[info exists state($plodname)]} {
+	    return $state($plodname)
 	trouble internal {Unable to determine changeset parent}