Check-in [8d8a41d195]
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SHA1 Hash:8d8a41d195b81dccb271777f747c749d49e37a47
Date: 2008-07-15 13:46:00
User: drh
Comment:Documentation updates.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/wiki.c from [5cf6903cd9] to [627ea9c43a].

@@ -503,11 +503,11 @@
   style_header("Wiki Formatting Rules");
   @ <h2>Formatting Rule Summary</h2>
   @ <ol>
   @ <li> Blank lines are paragraph breaks
   @ <li> Bullets are "*" surrounded by two spaces at the beginning of the line.
-  @ <li> Enumeration items a number surrounded by two space
+  @ <li> Enumeration items are a number surrounded by two space
   @ at the beginning of a line.
   @ <li> Indented pargraphs begin with a tab or two spaces.
   @ <li> Hyperlinks are contained with square brackets:  "[target]"
   @ <li> Most ordinary HTML works.
   @ <li> &lt;verbatim&gt; and &lt;nowiki&gt;.

Modified www/ from [560048999c] to [f88b184a33].

@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
   3.  Only people with check-in privileges can modify the documentation.
       (This might be either an advantage or disadvantage, depending
       on the nature of your project.)
-We will call documentation is included as files in the source tree
+We will call documentation that is included as files in the source tree
 "embedded documentation".
 <h2>Fossil Support For Embedded Documentation</h2>
 The fossil web interface supports embedded documentation using
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@
 Documentation files whose names end in ".wiki" use the
 [/wiki_rules | same markup as wiki pages] -
 a safe subset of HTML together with some rules for paragraph
 breaks, lists, and hyperlinks.  The ".wiki" and ".txt" pages
 are rendered with the standard fossil header and footer added.
-All other mimetimes are delivered directly to the requesting
-web browser with interpretation, additions, or changes.
+All other mimetypes are delivered directly to the requesting
+web browser without interpretation, additions, or changes.
 The list of allowed suffixes for embedded documents is likely to
 grow and become user-configurable in future releases of fossil.