Check-in [8ce7ffff21]
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SHA1 Hash:8ce7ffff2192b58eef1b2a3fd679af41093531a3
Date: 2007-11-28 08:35:41
User: aku
Comment:Bugfix in FilterSym pass. Grafting branches operated on the tags table :(
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl from [fad4c39f71] to [2020f6d70d].

@@ -381,11 +381,11 @@
 	    struct::list assign $fpn($fid) fname prname
 	    # Do the grafting.
 	    log write 4 filtersym {\[[format $fmt $n]/$mxs\] $prname : Grafting tag '$tagname' on $fname/$revnr from '$oldname' onto '$preferedname'}
-	    state run { UPDATE tag SET lod = $pid WHERE tid = $id ; }
+	    state run { UPDATE tag SET lod = $pid WHERE tid = $id }
 	    incr n
 	log write 3 filtersym "Reparented [nsp $n tag]"
@@ -439,11 +439,11 @@
 	    struct::list assign $fpn($fid) fname prname
 	    # Do the grafting.
 	    log write 4 filtersym {\[[format $fmt $n]/$mxs\] $prname : Grafting branch '$braname' on $fname/$revnr from '$oldname' onto '$preferedname'}
-	    state run { UPDATE tag SET lod = $pid WHERE tid = $id ; }
+	    state run { UPDATE branch SET lod = $pid WHERE bid = $id }
 	    incr n
 	log write 3 filtersym "Reparented [nsp $n branch branches]"