Check-in [808fbc4745]
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SHA1 Hash:808fbc474536c2f5bc5bf912b5212387ea7c2b4f
Date: 2007-12-08 02:59:09
User: aku
Comment:Added comments explaining the select statement checking revision/file/project/metadata integrity
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pcollrev.tcl from [5bb47f2e68] to [f56e45ca7e].

@@ -377,10 +377,11 @@
 	state discard author
 	state discard cmessage
+    # TODO: Move this code to the integrity module
     proc Paranoia {} {
 	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
 	# database, searching for inconsistent cross-references.
 	log write 4 collrev {Check database consistency}
@@ -391,218 +392,218 @@
 	# development about the project they are owned by.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their LODs have to be in the same project} \
 	    {disagrees with its LOD about owning project} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, file F, symbol S
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.lod = S.sid
-		AND !=
+		FROM   revision R, file F, symbol S
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid   -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.lod = S.sid   -- Get symbol for revision's LOD
+		AND !=  -- but symbol is for a different project
 	# Find all revisions which disgree with their meta data about
 	# the project they are owned by.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their meta data have to be in the same project} \
 	    {disagrees with its meta data about owning project} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, file F, meta M
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.mid = M.mid
-		AND !=
+		FROM   revision R, file F, meta M
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid   -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.mid = M.mid   -- Get meta data of revision
+		AND !=  -- but is for a different project
 	# Find all revisions which disgree with their meta data about
 	# the branch/line of development they belong to.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their meta data have to be in the same LOD} \
 	    {disagrees with its meta data about owning LOD} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, meta M, file F
-		WHERE R.mid = M.mid
-		AND   R.lod !=
-		AND   R.fid = F.fid
+		FROM   revision R, meta M, file F
+		WHERE  R.mid = M.mid   -- Get meta data of revision
+		AND    R.lod !=  -- but is for a different LOD
+		AND    R.fid = F.fid   -- Get file of revision
 	# Find all revisions with a primary child which disagrees
 	# about the file they belong to.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their primary children have to be in the same file} \
 	    {disagrees with its primary child about the owning file} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.child = C.rid
-		AND   C.fid != R.fid
+		FROM   revision R, revision C, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid        -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.child IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to non-leaf revisions
+		AND    R.child = C.rid      -- Get child (has to exist)
+		AND    C.fid != R.fid       -- Whic wrongly is in a different file
 	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
 	# disagrees about the file they belong to.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their branch children have to be in the same file} \
 	    {at the beginning of its branch and its parent disagree about the owning file} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.parent = P.rid
-		AND   R.fid != P.fid
+		FROM   revision R, revision P, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.bparent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to first on branch
+		AND    R.parent = P.rid       -- Get out-of-branch parent
+		AND    R.fid != P.fid         -- Which wrongly is in a different file
 	# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which disagrees
 	# about the file they belong to.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their non-NTDB children have to be in the same file} \
 	    {disagrees with its non-NTDB child about the owning file} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.dbchild = C.rid
-		AND   C.fid != R.fid
+		FROM   revision R, revision C, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.dbchild IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to semi-last NTDB revision
+		AND    R.dbchild = C.rid      -- Got to associated trunk revision
+		AND    C.fid != R.fid         -- Which wrongly is in a different file
 	# Find all revisions which have a primary child, but the child
 	# does not have them as parent.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions have to be parents of their primary children} \
 	    {is not the parent of its primary child} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.child = C.rid
-		AND   C.parent != R.rid
+		FROM   revision R, revision C, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid        -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.child IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to non-leaves
+		AND    R.child = C.rid      -- Get the child (has to exist)
+		AND    C.parent != R.rid    -- Which does not have us as its parent.
 	# Find all revisions which have a primrary child, but the
 	# child has a branch parent symbol making them brach starters.
 	Check \
 	    {Primary children of revisions must not start branches} \
 	    {is parent of a primary child which is the beginning of a branch} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.child = C.rid
-		AND   C.bparent IS NOT NULL
+		FROM   revision R, revision C, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid           -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.child IS NOT NULL     -- Restrict to non-leaves
+		AND    R.child = C.rid         -- Get the child (has to exist)
+		AND    C.bparent IS NOT NULL   -- wrongly claiming to be first on branch
 	# Find all revisions without branch parent symbol which have a
 	# parent, but the parent does not have them as primary child.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions have to be primary children of their parents, if any} \
 	    {is not the child of its parent} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.bparent IS NULL
-		AND   R.parent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.parent = P.rid
-		AND   P.child != R.rid
+		FROM   revision R, revision P, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid
+		AND    R.bparent IS NULL     -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.parent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to everything not first on a branch
+		AND    R.parent = P.rid      -- Get the parent (has to exist)
+		AND    P.child != R.rid      -- Which do not have us as their child
 	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol which do not
 	# have a parent.
 	Check \
 	    {Branch starting revisions have to have a parent} \
 	    {at the beginning of its branch has no parent} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.parent IS NULL
+		FROM   revision R, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.bparent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to first on a branch
+		AND    R.parent IS NULL       -- But there is no out-of-branch parent
 	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
 	# has them as primary child.
 	Check \
 	    {Branch starting revisions must not be primary children of their parents} \
 	    {at the beginning of its branch is the primary child of its parent} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.parent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.parent = P.rid
-		AND   P.child = R.rid
+		FROM   revision R, revision P, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.bparent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to first on a branch
+		AND    R.parent IS NOT NULL   -- Which are not detached
+		AND    R.parent = P.rid       -- Get their non-branch parent
+		AND    P.child = R.rid        -- which improperly has them as primary child
 	# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which are not on
 	# the NTDB.
 	Check \
 	    {NTDB to trunk transition has to begin on NTDB} \
 	    {has a non-NTDB child, yet is not on the NTDB} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
-		AND   NOT R.isdefault
+		FROM   revision R, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.dbchild IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to semi-last NTDB revision
+		AND    NOT R.isdefault        -- Improperly claiming to not be on NTDB
 	# Find all revisions with a NTDB parent which are on the NTDB.
 	Check \
 	    {NTDB to trunk transition has to end on non-NTDB} \
 	    {has a NTDB parent, yet is on the NTDB} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.dbparent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.isdefault
+		FROM   revision R, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid           -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.dbparent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to trunk roots with NTDB around
+		AND    R.isdefault             -- But root improperly claims to be on NTDB
 	# Find all revisions with a child which disagrees about the
 	# line of development they belong to.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their primary children have to be in the same LOD} \
 	    {and its primary child disagree about their LOD} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.child = C.rid
-		AND   C.lod != R.lod
+		FROM   revision R, revision C, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid        -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.child IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to non-leaves
+		AND    R.child = C.rid      -- Get child (has to exist)
+		AND    C.lod != R.lod       -- which improperly uses a different LOD
 	# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which agrees about
 	# the line of development they belong to.
 	Check \
 	    {NTDB and trunk revisions have to be in different LODs} \
 	    {on NTDB and its non-NTDB child wrongly agree about their LOD} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.dbchild = C.rid
-		AND   C.lod = R.lod
+		FROM   revision R, revision C, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.dbchild IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to semi-last NTDB revision
+		AND    R.dbchild = C.rid      -- Get associated trunk root revision
+		AND    C.lod = R.lod          -- Improperly uses the same LOD
 	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol which is not
 	# their LOD.
 	Check \
 	    {Branch starting revisions have to have their LOD as branch parent symbol} \
 	    {at the beginning of its branch does not have the branch symbol as its LOD} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.lod != R.bparent
+		FROM   revision R, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.bparent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to revisions first on a branch
+		AND    R.lod != R.bparent     -- and their branch is not their LOD
 	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
 	# is in the same line of development.
 	Check \
 	    {Revisions and their branch children have to be in different LODs} \
 	    {at the beginning of its branch and its parent wrongly agree about their LOD} {
 		SELECT, R.rev
-		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
-		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
-		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
-		AND   R.parent = P.rid
-		AND   R.lod = P.lod
+		FROM   revision R, revision P, file F
+		WHERE  R.fid = F.fid          -- Get file of revision
+		AND    R.bparent IS NOT NULL  -- Restrict to revisions first on a branch
+		AND    R.parent = P.rid       -- Get their non-branch parent
+		AND    R.lod = P.lod          -- Which improperly uses the same LOD