Check-in [7e9e5fea77]
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SHA1 Hash:7e9e5fea77cd0cae5b08bf5c907dcc4e13ddb4bd
Date: 2007-11-27 03:30:50
User: drh
Comment:Fix a bug in the unified diff generator.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/diff.c from [562003166f] to [ec5d799613].

@@ -287,17 +287,18 @@
   if( d>MAX ){
-    R = malloc( sizeof(R[0])*6 );
+    R = malloc( sizeof(R[0])*7 );
     R[0] = 0;
     R[1] = X;
     R[2] = Y;
     R[3] = 0;
     R[4] = 0;
     R[5] = 0;
+    R[6] = 0;
     /* Reuse M[] as follows:
     **     M[d][1] = 1 if a line is inserted or 0 if a line is deleted.
     **     M[d][0] = number of lines copied after the ins or del above.