Check-in [7dddab2fbe]
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SHA1 Hash:7dddab2fbe365927fbb6af30cc6edeb3a2204420
Date: 2008-09-18 11:21:29
User: stephan
Comment:added comments about necessary link flags for Solaris 10 + OpenSolaris
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Modified Makefile from [46d6595aa1] to [c357142045].

@@ -33,17 +33,19 @@
 #    other dependencies.  We sometimes add the -static option here
 #    so that we can build a static executable that will run in a
 #    chroot jail.
 LIB = -lz $(LDFLAGS)
-# If you're on OpenSolaris, and probably other Solaris versions,
-# you'll need:
-# LIB += -lsocket
+# If you're on OpenSolaris:
+# LIB += lsocket
+# Solaris 10 needs:
+# LIB += -lsocket -lnsl
+# My assumption is that the Sol10 flags will work for Sol8/9 and possibly 11.
 #### Tcl shell for use in running the fossil testsuite.
 TCLSH = tclsh
 # You should not need to change anything below this line
 include $(SRCDIR)/