Check-in [7c0bd3ee08]
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SHA1 Hash:7c0bd3ee08da67da618336a336ec5ca22ce3f7f2
Date: 2008-03-11 20:00:11
User: mjanssen
Comment:make test should find test script relative to the SRCDIR so it will work when run from a separate build directory. This also allows 'make test' to run with Makefile.w32
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/ from [5fbe19c227] to [c57838417d].

@@ -218,11 +218,11 @@
 # WARNING. DANGER. Running the testsuite modifies the repository the
 # build is done from, i.e. the checkout belongs to. Do not sync/push
 # the repository after running the tests.
 test:	$(APPNAME)
-	$(TCLSH) test/tester.tcl $(APPNAME)
+	$(TCLSH) ${SRCDIR}/../test/tester.tcl $(APPNAME)
 VERSION.h:	$(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid $(SRCDIR)/../manifest
 	awk '{ printf "#define MANIFEST_UUID \"%s\"\n", $$1}'  $(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid >VERSION.h
 	awk '{ printf "#define MANIFEST_VERSION \"[%.10s]\"\n", $$1}'  $(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid >>VERSION.h
 	awk '$$1=="D"{printf "#define MANIFEST_DATE \"%s %s\"\n", substr($$2,1,10),substr($$2,12)}'  $(SRCDIR)/../manifest >>VERSION.h