Check-in [783df88ba8]
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SHA1 Hash:783df88ba84e919e1fef79aa0136342d978d5fbf
Date: 2007-10-26 18:18:59
User: drh
Comment:Prevent duplicate logins on the "user add" command. Also, allow the login to be specified on the command line.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
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Modified src/user.c from [9649e14426] to [dde3c3d16a].

@@ -165,11 +165,11 @@
 **    %fossil user list
 **        List all users known to the repository
-**    %fossil user new
+**    %fossil user new ?USERNAME?
 **        Create a new user in the repository.  Users can never be
 **        deleted.  They can be denied all access but they must continue
 **        to exist in the database.
@@ -185,11 +185,19 @@
   n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
   if( n>=2 && strncmp(g.argv[2],"new",n)==0 ){
     Blob passwd, login, contact;
-    prompt_user("login: ", &login);
+    if( g.argc>=4 ){
+      blob_zero(&login);
+      blob_append(&login, g.argv[3], -1);
+    }else{
+      prompt_user("login: ", &login);
+    }
+    if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%B", &login) ){
+      fossil_fatal("user %b already exists", &login);
+    }
     prompt_user("contact-info: ", &contact);
     prompt_for_password("password: ", &passwd, 1);
       "INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info)"