Check-in [734febe649]
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SHA1 Hash:734febe649058cfd591b35b096250c2f5677da96
Date: 2007-09-05 02:03:31
User: aku
Comment:Fix calculating percentage of committed changesets.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified tools/import-cvs.tcl from [123e6be7b4] to [8b0ca8d137].

@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@
 proc import {cset} {
     global tot nto nosign ntrunk
     Write info "    Importing $cset [string repeat = [expr {60 - [string length $cset]}]]"
-    Write info "        At $nto/$ntrunk ([format %.2f [expr {double($nto)/$ntrunk}]]%)"
+    Write info "        At $nto/$ntrunk ([format %.2f [expr {$nto*100.0/$ntrunk}]]%)"
     set usec [lindex [time {
 	foreach {uuid ad rm ch} [fossil::commit cvs2fossil $nosign \
 				     [cvs::wssetup $cset] \
 				     ::cvs::wsignore] break