Check-in [6625739eda]
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SHA1 Hash:6625739eda3e533c36d498bbc8b86a693795e367
Date: 2008-01-29 00:12:12
User: mjanssen
Comment:cvs2fossil: add -nocomplain flag to glob to prevent an error if no files/dirs match
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pcollar.tcl from [49b5ac0453] to [9ec73f8d5c].

@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
 		set usr [UserPath $rcs isattic]
 		if {[IsSuperceded $base $rcs $usr $isattic]} continue
 		# XXX Checkme: not sure if this will still fail in the case where a directory does conflict with a file XXX
 		if {
-		    [lsearch [glob -tail -types f -directory $base *] $usr] != -1 &&
-		    [lsearch [glob -tail -types d -directory $base *] $usr] != -1
+		    [lsearch [glob -nocomplain -tail -types f -directory $base *] $usr] != -1 &&
+		    [lsearch [glob -nocomplain -tail -types d -directory $base *] $usr] != -1
 		} {
 		    trouble fatal "Directory name conflicts with filename."
 		    trouble fatal "Please remove or rename one of the following:"
 		    trouble fatal "    $base/$usr"
 		    trouble fatal "    $base/$rcs"
@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@
 	::variable myignore
 	if {!$isattic}                   {return 0}
 	# use glob to account for case insensitive file systems
-	if {[lsearch [glob -tail -directory $base *] $usr,v] == -1} {return 0}
+	if {[lsearch [glob -nocomplain -tail -directory $base *] $usr,v] == -1} {return 0}
 	# We have a regular archive and an Attic archive refering to
 	# the same user visible file. Ignore the file in the Attic.
 	# By default this is a problem causing an abort after the pass