Check-in [63886daad8]
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SHA1 Hash:63886daad813bebdd526449c3fa20b3ef2ea054c
Date: 2008-11-18 15:33:25
User: drh
Edited Comment:In wiki, hyperlinks or the form [./filename] (hyperlinks that begin with character ".") work correctly. Need to add more docs on how the [...] wiki markup really works.
Original Comment:In wiki, hyperlinks or the form [./filename]</wiki> (hyperlinks that begin with character ".") work correctly. Need to add more docs on how the [...] wiki markup really works.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified src/wikiformat.c from [ad6f4b4c31] to [51759e15ab].

@@ -936,10 +936,16 @@
     blob_appendf(p->pOut, "<a href=\"%s\">", zTarget);
   }else if( zTarget[0]=='/' ){
     if( g.okHistory ){
       blob_appendf(p->pOut, "<a href=\"%s%h\">", g.zBaseURL, zTarget);
+    }else{
+      zTerm = "";
+    }
+  }else if( zTarget[0]=='.' ){
+    if( g.okHistory ){
+      blob_appendf(p->pOut, "<a href=\"%h\">", zTarget);
       zTerm = "";
   }else if( is_valid_uuid(zTarget) ){
     int isClosed;