Check-in [63564202fd]
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SHA1 Hash:63564202fd0d6a95f1f0b12fa7082a40e25c39cf
Date: 2007-08-28 03:18:31
User: aku
Comment:Fixed typos.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
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Modified www/fileformat.html from [b4104959a6] to [677ac744b2].

@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 and no leading or trailing whitespace except for the newline
 character that acts as the line separator.
-All lines of the manifest occur in strict sorted lexigraphical order.
+All lines of the manifest occur in strict sorted lexicographical order.
 No line may be duplicated.
 The entire manifest file may be PGP clear-signed, but otherwise it
 may contain no additional text or data beyond what is described here.
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
 A manifest may optionally have a single R-line.  The R-line has
 a single argument which is the MD5 checksum of all files in
 the baseline except the manifest itself.  The checksum is expressed
 as 32-characters of lowercase hexadecimal.   The checksum is
 computed as follows:  For each file in the baseline (except for
-the manifest itself) in strict sorted lexigraphical order,
+the manifest itself) in strict sorted lexicographical order,
 take the pathname of the file relative to the root of the
 repository, append a single space (ASCII 0x20), the
 size of the file in ASCII decimal, a single newline
 character (ASCII 0x0A), and the complete text of the file.
 Compute the MD5 checksum of the the result.